Let me deviate briefly from this cyberpunk survey to share an interesting interview with Patrick McGrath about the gothic literary sensibility.
Back to cyberpunk: Has anybody read Greg Bear's
Queen of Angels?
I loved it but nobody ever talks about it.
Yep, I've read it a couple of times. Love Greg Bear.
At Comic-Con last year, Ray Bradbury named Greg Bear as an up-and-coming sci-fi writer to watch, as he had sort of mentored him after he came up to him at a signing and asked to correspond with him when he (Bear) was a boy.
At Comic-Con last year, Ray Bradbury named Greg Bear as an up-and-coming sci-fi writer to watch,
I think Bear has established himself as more than up-and-coming, though I'm sure that's Bradbury's perspective since he mentored Bear.
But Bear's been publishing regularly since the early eighties.
Yeah, he said he'd won more awards than he had, and that we probably knew him. But I'd never heard of him.
I think Bradbury meant it as a joke...
In an odd bit of synchronicity, a friend of mine will be chatting live with Greg Bear over on Gather later this month.
I've read Bear's
Blood Music.
Creepy and weird. But very good.
I've read Bear's Blood Music. Creepy and weird. But very good.
Blood Music
is excellent. But it's not a book I'd reread.
Whereas, like Jessica, I'd gladly reread
Queen of Angels
because I really enjoyed being in that world.
Got any used bookstores nearby, MM?
Man we've got Arthurian legends going in the Harry Potter thread and cyber punks going in here. It's just too much for me! I'll be in my bunk.
Got any used bookstores nearby, MM?
Yeah. I'll have to put that one on my list.