I've read Bear's Blood Music. Creepy and weird. But very good.
Blood Music
is excellent. But it's not a book I'd reread.
Whereas, like Jessica, I'd gladly reread
Queen of Angels
because I really enjoyed being in that world.
Got any used bookstores nearby, MM?
Man we've got Arthurian legends going in the Harry Potter thread and cyber punks going in here. It's just too much for me! I'll be in my bunk.
Got any used bookstores nearby, MM?
Yeah. I'll have to put that one on my list.
Man we've got Arthurian legends going in the Harry Potter thread and cyber punks going in here.
I should combine the two and be a revolutionary.
I'm the only person I know of with ovaries who doesn't love The Diamond Age.
There are bits of The Diamond Age that I adore (go on, guess which ones), but for the most part I prefer Gibson to Stephenson. I re-read Idoru the other week, and damn if it wasn't eerily spot-on about what certain aspects of media fandom have become.
Well there was this.
Heh - that's where I went too.
Not exactly cyber punk but it has... um... been in my bunk.
I re-read Idoru the other week, and damn if it wasn't eerily spot-on about what certain aspects of media fandom have become.
Oh, so true! I should reread that.
Yeah, I didn't love Idoru or Virtual Light, but I'm thinking I should re-read both.
Walter Jon Williams' Hardwired is also pretty good cyberpunk.
We did an awesome two-session RPG of this, and with Cowboy being played by an actual human, it worked. Man that was a good game.
I quit keeping up with Gibson's blog at some point. Must go look again.
What about Morgan (
Altered Carbon, Broken Angels, Woken Furies
)? Cyberpunk? Cybernoir? SciFiNoir? Dystopian?
I've never fallen for Greg Bear, despite multiple attempts, but I've never attempted
Queen of Angels.
Maybe I should.