I got dressed up as Tonks - pictures soon, promise! - and Joe and I and our friends J & S went down to the Border's for the Grand Hallows Ball. It was loads of fun and I was bouncing off the walls. I blame the caffiene, sugar, and excitement. Ran into two people I haven't seen since high school. Cracks me up, but they totally recognized me right off. I was happy that lots of people recognized "me". The kid dressed as a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans won the costume contest and it was really hard for me not to enter the trivia contest. Had to remind myself - FOR THE KIDS!! NOT the obsessive 32 year old.
We hung out with S's parents and eventually Joe's mom, brother, and dad's girlfriend showed up. We hung out until about 12:30 ish and then headed to Meijer's where we grabbed our books off the giant pile, went through the self-checkout, and then went to J&S's house where I devoured the first six chapters.
And came home and read and read and slept a bit and then read some more and now I'm finished and I can't even process everything. I think I need a reread. I *know* I need a reread. But Joe has it now.
Shouldda bought two copies.
My book has shipped. It will be at Endor sometime between Thursday and Tuesday. Hopefully toward the beginning of that.
Glad you had fun, Aimee
I'm all proud of myself for going to my local independent bookstore (two of them, actually), though in fact they're the only ones anywhere near me and I'd even forgotten about them until a couple days ago. Why are there three in one block, though?
Quick question about Chapter 1: isn't
Voldemort a NON pureblood?
his Hitler-like quest to purify the wizarding world is awfully self-hating. Which is, I guess, just like Hitler.
Am I remembering correctly?
Am 100-ish pages in. Went hiking. Must read more.
Yes, you're remembering correctly, Steph. (
He's a half-blood.
Matt finished the book about 1115 - i had to be at work at noon. I stopped , got a pizza and it is going to be pizza wine and book - but I still had to come here first. Partly because I don't want it to end...BUT I can't wait.
Taking a break after the first 100 pages. She is good at pacing, isn't she? Such an easy read!
I just picked up my copy at Barnes and Noble. I still have to finish reading 6 first.
85 pages in
deliberate pause for savoring...
I'm doing an unspoiled chapter-by-chapter over at my livejournal. It should be fun, documenting how WRONG some of my guesses are.