How rude.
I finished it about 7 and half hours ago. It was 7:30 a.m. in Edinburgh, so I decided to go to bed rather than surf the interwebs at the time, since I figured I was done before most people.
A few thoughts (I'll talk more after others post later):
I thought that, overall, it was a good read. Very plot-heavy, which makes sense considering how much she needed to stick in there, and is good because that's where JK's strengths lie.
I liked the idea of the Hallows vs. the Horcrux, and Dumbledore as fallible, and the fact that nearly ALL of my predictions came true (Snape hearts Lily, Snape is a badass, Harry's a Horcrux, Neville plays a major plot point role) and I liked Kreacher's turnaround, speaking of SPEW. Yay for Ron/Hermione finally getting some snog time. I still think it would have been more emotionally wrenching and satisfying if somebody really major died - Neville or Luna at least - but I can't really complain that the ending was happy. I like a happy. Re: the epilogue, I'm glad Draco didn't end up dead or imprisoned and has a chance to continue the tradition of providing Weasleys with enemies, and I love Neville as a Hogwarts prof.
I wish there had been more Neville, Ginny, and Luna time. I feel like there's a novel somewhere about their adventures at Hogwarts, and if JKR doesn't write it I hope somebody with good fic-writing skills does, without shoving in a romance story (though Neville/Luna can be cute if done correctly, there's simply no basis for it in canon, and I want to read a story that fits the canon there.)
I'ma read it again. Slowly. I know I missed things, especially as I was still a bit tipsy for the first 100 pages or so.