They delivered mine promptly at 9 AM! *fondles the book* But I have to go to work now, so the actual reading will have to wait until the evening. Stupid work.
I'm avoiding LJ because even the faintest impressions outside the LJ-cut are making me paranoid, and honestly, I'm finding myself kind of ridiculous at this point. Better stay away from the 'net until I'm done with the book instead of driving myself even more crazy.
I also want to stay away from the 'net and avoid reactions, but until my book gets here, I have nothing else to do! No other way to inflict my whining on people!
Oh, UPS now says "In Transit." It's on a truck!
I have achieved book! And, really cute UPS delivery guy to boot.
sumi, I'm with you (if you still haven't received your book, that is). I keep looking out the window like a nosy old lady, hoping the UPS truck will be there. (I should note that I'm sitting by the window; I don't keep running to the window to check. [Although I might, if there weren't a chair here.])
Mostly, I just want UPS to deliver it while I'm here, so that The Boy and I can go hiking (it's a freaking gorgeous day, low humidity and high 70s). When tenants aren't home, UPS leaves packages at the apartment office -- which I appreciate, because leaving ANY package in the vestibule is an invitation for theft -- but the apartment office closes at 4 on weekends, and, well, WANT BOOK. That way I can start reading it after we hike.
My book's here! Right as we're about to go to lunch.
t edit
Though I *am* glad that Amazon wasn't jerking Dana around on the delivery date.
I wonder if Alan Rickman and Daniel Radcliffe and the others reserved books so they could quick-flip to the end to see if they died.
connie, that's what agents are for.
Mine still hasn't shown up.
I guess I really will get it on their way back to the warehouse at the end of the night.
I can see the street from my computer or from my sofa - perfect.