Folks, can I get some suggestions regarding HP book purchase strategy? I'm going to be out of town in Louisiana (near Lafayette) and I essentially have 3 options for purchasing the book: 2 bookstores (one of which is a Waldenbooks/Borders which has festivities starting at 9:30 pm) and 1 Walmart. Now, I'm not a Walmart fan by any means, but I literally only want to buy the book and go home and read the first few chapters before waking up and reading more of it the next day. I don't want to have my face painted, etc.
Which of the 3 stores might be my best option for waiting the least amount of time and doing a direct purchase?
I would appreciate suggestions and recommendations.
I would think that even though it's a Wal-Mart, it's still gonna be pretty busy. But as far as avoiding the festivities, it'ss probably be your best bet.
Many Krogers supermarkets will have Harry Potter.
oh that's a good tip. I didn't know they had Kroger in La.
I don't know that there's one near where you'll be, but they're in Louisiana, anyway. They've been advertising Harry Potter and I remember going to Kroger after one of the books came out and they had a huge pile of them.
I just looked and there is at least one store in the city. Cool beans. I like having options. Who knows? Maybe I'll want to do some face painting after all...
P-C, Diesel is an awesome bookstore.
Yay! I will go there, then.
If anyone is going to attend a midnight selling of HP at a place having an event (instead of your local Krogers/Walmart), I'd recommend contacting them either today or tomorrow and finding out if they're handing out tickets/bracelets/whatever ahead of time to determine what order you'll be getting in line. For OotP, the local Borders was handing out tickets a week ahead of time in order of when you put the book on reserve (March reserves got one color, June reserves another). At my B&N, it'll be bracelets on Friday depending on when you come in--9:00 am, it'll be an "A" bracelet, by 5:00 pm, it'll most likely be an "R" or later bracelet. Then, at midnight, we'll be calling for all "A" braceleted people to get in line, etc.
News this morning in the Globe was that the entire new book was photographed and posted on-line. I guess the original site got a big time C&D and pulled it (and supplied the name of the poster), but not before it had been put up elsewhere. Supposedly it's still out there (I'm not going looking for it though).