Have people been to release parties for the other books? Would you recommend going to a big chain like Borders or Barnes and Noble or a small, local bookstore? I know chains are evil and all, but for the last book, the Borders atmosphere was fun and excited, and the local bookstore atmosphere was low-key and lame.
Boy, my experience has been completely different. Oak Park (the burb I live in) has an entire community festival starting around noon on Friday and includes muggle quidditch, wizard's chess and all kinds of things. The local stores all change their names to Gringot's (the US Bank branch) and Daigon Alley (the main road) and Honey Duke's (a popcorn shop) and sell things like butter beer.
The whole thing is put on by a local bookstore and they get the entire downtown area involved. There is a Border's downtown, but they don't participate in the festival. They will sell the books at midnight, though.
Here's more info on it: [link]
I wish I could come down there just for Friday night.
Surely, in San Francisco, some of the larger indie stores are having big events and you can have the best of both worlds?
I'm in Oakland! I don't want to go into the bloody city to have my fun!
Here's more info on it: [link]
I wish I could come down there just for Friday night.
I have a couch if'n you want it.
Toddson, that's since been resolved -- ASDA Walmart will be carrying it. It was a dispute over money (of course) where both sides threw their toys out of the pram. Then realised their profits went with them.
Naperville also transforms.
Okay and apparently so does Downer's Grove
Oooh! Thanks, ChiKat!
Diesel, A Bookstore -- "Harry Potter Party," 10 p.m. July 20. Take part in bingo, trivia games, songs, puppets, door prizes, candy and treats, and more. 5433 College Ave., Oakland. 510-653-9965.
This is one of my options, as it's in walking distance. It doesn't list the other place I could walk to. But this one does sound like a blast.
Oakland Main Library -- "The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Knight Bus Tour," 4-7 p.m. July 11. Based on the purple, triple-decker bus described in the Harry Potter books, Scholastic Corporation's Knight Bus will be stopping at the Oakland Main Library. Young people will have a chance to board the bus and make a video about why they love the Harry Potter books. Registration: 510-238-3615. "Harry Potter Midnight Release Party," 8 p.m.-midnight July 20. Come in costume and enjoy music, crafts, a movie and a raffle. Check out copies of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" starting at midnight. Free. 125 14th St., Oakland. 510-238-3222
Duuude! I may have to stop by this on the way back from work. The Knight Bus! Aww.
Chicagoistas--I will be at the Hilton Gardens in Evanston this weekend. Are there nearby bookstores where I could pick up the book? I am hoping to read it on the flight home and have assumed I won't have to reserve a copy and can just stroll in somewhere and pick one up. BTW, I would love to see all of you, but I will be at a family reunion and EVERY FREAKING SECOND is scheduled with events involving many many people I share the same DNA with. I am not exaggerating.