Oh, wow. This place looks great. Oh, I feel like a witch in a magic shop.

Willow ,'Help'

Literary Buffistas 3: Don't Parse the Blurb, Dear.

There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."

meara - Oct 19, 2023 6:11:52 pm PDT #27763 of 28033

This will make someone a good doctoral thesis, right? How long do you have to wait for it to be properly academic, I wonde

Absolutely. Either comparing the various books or comparing to an authors other books or comparing to previous plague books like the Decameron…

-t - Oct 19, 2023 7:56:57 pm PDT #27764 of 28033
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

And Principia Mathematica or whatever Newton wrote during his plague, I suppose

Cashmere - Oct 19, 2023 10:07:29 pm PDT #27765 of 28033
Now tagless for your comfort.

Also, adding Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting to my queue. I keep getting ready to start reading KJ Charles and then getting overwhelmed with all the choices and reading something else, but I am making the decision now that that one I will read soonish

That one is so good. There are several GAoFH Easter Eggs in The Gentlemen's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel. Oh, and also, Wanted: A Gentlemen (which I cannot recommend enough).

Has anyone read Hench? I own it but haven't gotten to it, in the Evil Villain Genre.

I'm currently listening to The Keeper's Six and can say, I am loving these older, badass protagonist ladies.

Jessica - Oct 20, 2023 6:15:38 am PDT #27766 of 28033
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

GAoFH wasn't my favorite of hers, and since it is October I will recommend the Magpie Lord books as an appropriately spooky starting point.

-t - Oct 20, 2023 7:30:12 am PDT #27767 of 28033
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Hm. I seem to already own Magpie Lord.

Consuela - Oct 20, 2023 2:18:31 pm PDT #27768 of 28033
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

I liked Hench. Had a strong voice, and it's pretty good satire, if ultimately fairly lightweight (IMO). I will read more by them.

I recently read Ex-Wife by Ursula Parrott, which was written in 1929, and is quite a great look at NYC of the 1920s and the life of the swinging single woman of the time. Definitely recommended.

I am not listening to many of my podcasts because the news is all so terrible, and instead I'm re-listening to Tiffany Aching. Which is great. Stephen Briggs is such a fantastic narrator.

Atropa - Oct 20, 2023 10:00:15 pm PDT #27769 of 28033
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

I wonder how many authors have books in this extremely niche genre. I know Scalzi has this one, and KJ Charles has Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting, but I'm sure they weren't the only ones to break through pandemic writer's block by just giving up and writing a completely different book that year!)

Cherie Priest has a novella coming out soon that fits into this niche.

chrismg - Oct 21, 2023 1:11:11 pm PDT #27770 of 28033
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

I finally found a copy of The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything at Half-Price Books!

meara - Oct 22, 2023 4:39:49 pm PDT #27771 of 28033

Just read Kailua Preservation Society, and enjoyed, thanks for the rec y’all!

Toddson - Oct 23, 2023 6:11:17 am PDT #27772 of 28033
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

I think K.J. Charles' Magpie Lord books were the ones that got me started on the author's books. Now they're pretty much auto-buy for me.