Yeah, I think that might be the crux of it for me.
Literary Buffistas 3: Don't Parse the Blurb, Dear.
There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."
There's a new KJ Charles book out today. Slippery Creatures, set in 1920s London. I'm a couple of chapters in and enjoying it immensely, as is usual for me with her books.
I've just downloaded it and am looking forward to reading it. I love a lot of her books and hope this one stacks up to the ones I like.
I'm under a fair amount of stress - for once, not really related to the virus! - and I'm having problems reading anything new - I've been re-reading a lot, although I usually read new books on my e-reader.
I haven't started Slippery Creatures yet because I need to actually get shit done today. (Oh hey look, it's after 5! I can start reading now!)
I'm loading SC on my kindle now!
I've been reading magazines. It's been a lot easier to pick up and put down as my brain as been all over the place, struggling with longer reads.
This is why I've been reading YA and Star Trek novels...
Fanfic, y'all. Fanfic.
Yep yep. All of the above, and romance novels.
Fanfic, y'all. Fanfic.
Seriously all I've been reading for MONTHS. I have a pile of books from the library glaring balefully at me, and yet I am re-reading fanfic like it's my second job.
So. Much. Fanfic.