I've come to think of Dresden very much as leveling up in a combat-oriented video game -- the story is what pieces it all together, but you spend a lot of time running around the world fighting shit to gain experience and better weaponry.
I found, Laura, that I enjoy the audiobooks of Dresden significantly more than reading the books myself. Not just because James Marsters is the reader! (Though he is permanently the voice of Harry in my head.) The pacing was better for me in the audiobook, and I connect more to the story & characters.
I may try that, esse. I have heard good things about the audiobooks.
At this point my to read queue is so long that I don't feel I should stick with a series that isn't doing it for me.
I've come to think of Dresden very much as leveling up in a combat-oriented video game
Never thought of it that way before, but that's exactly it.
Seconding that Dresden is much better in audiobook form.
I really enjoyed the Dresden Files up till Changes. At that point I ran out of steam and haven't been back.
I just finished Changes, which I really enjoyed.
A buffista says thank you all so much.
Unrelatedly I've been thinking of sharing the reading lists from the genre classes I'm teaching... if anyone's interested?
I would be extremely interested in a buffista's reading lists.