Oh man. I didn't know she was 92! I haven't read a whole bunch of her stuff, her daughter's books are more to my taste, but I have read a few and they were certainly very good just not my particular jam. And I've very much enjoyed her interviews.
Literary Buffistas 3: Don't Parse the Blurb, Dear.
There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."
Wesley Snipes is now a published author: [link]
I finally read Shards of Honor . I had never read the Vorkosigan Saga before, it had been on my to read list but the libraries I had access didn't have it and I didn't want to buy it and then not like it.
I don't know really anything about the series except a lot of people really like it. The book felt like it covered ground that should have been in 2 books at least and the epilogue confused the hell out of me. Seriously I have no idea what was going on. And there was one line about hermaphrodites that was really jarring . I know the internal chronology is different than the published so I went ahead and requested the prequel to Shards but I ahd to make an ILL request for Barrayar so who knows when or if I'll get that and will be able to read it.
I started the second book of the Bloggess's book club, American Sherlock, and, so far, I find it fascinating.
Someone we all know is on this list, twice:
I take all the credit. If I hadn't told her our family can't carry a tune, and she needed to stop singing, she probably would never have started to write, instead. *sniff*
Oh, wow! Congratulations!
I don't need to even click the link because I saw it elsewhere, but yay!
W00t! SUCH a Rockstar!