If one, say, asked a child by phone if they would like fast food (as one was getting it on the way home). And said child replied "sure". Would you expect the child to BE HOME when you arrived around a normal dinnertime?
I have not yet decided if it is worth the belly ache to eat double McD fries.
I have Riverland in my hands! Figuratively speaking, of course, or typing would be tougher. Not sure when I can dig in, because brain. But I have it!
I haven't read it yet, but I sent a copy to my nephew for his birthday.
I'm currently reading Mary Robinette Kowal's "Ghost Talkers" ... and I bring it up here because early on she introduces a character called Brigadier-General Lethbridge-Stewart.
And it seems that Gene Wolfe has died ... sigh ....
I feel like we predicted this one.
Brontësaurus Park
There are literal tears streaming down my cheeks from suppressing a laughing fit over the scene with Nedry!
I enjoyed these.
"The Tao of Sir Terry: Pratchett and Philosophy" [link]
"The Tao of Sir Terry: Pratchett vs. Logic" [link]
I used to use Sir Terry's original of that very first line in the philosophy link as a tagline here, to wit...
Make a man a fire and it'll keep him warm all night, but light a man afire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.