I am halfway through Space Opera now, and I'm enjoying it immensely.
My mom saw Gretchen Carlson speak on PBS the other day and sent me her latest book, Be Fierce, because I am also a fierce woman (she says). My mom has never watched Fox News and really isn't up to date on much of anything. I'm womanfully not telling her exactly what I think of Gretchen Carlson or the mere existence of the book, of which I don't have the spoons to read.
You could respond with Make Trouble by Cecile Richards.
N.K. Jemisin made history - she's the first to win the Hugo for best novel three years running. Here's her acceptance speech.
Finally got a chance to watch the speech. I will follow her anywhere.
Anyone else read or are reading Our Kind of Cruelty, by Araminta Hall?
My library hold just came in and I just started it. It looks fantastic.
Oooh, Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon at work. I am quite confident I was completely unaware of "Araminta" as a name before the last couple of weeks.
It's a character in Crazy Rich Asians, right?
I have an old children's book that was my mom's and the doll in it is named Araminta.
I checked Google Books Ngram viewer - which plots the frequency of words in Google Books over time - and the first use of "Araminta" is in 1709 - [link] .