There's a menu at the top called "Community", it gives you a dropdown for "Groups". It comes at the top of my Groups page, but I realized that's because I joined the Group. There is a search bar in Groups, I assume it will come up if you search for it.
Here's a link, assuming it will work for someone who's not signed in as me:
I finally read The Wedding Date yesterday, and it was so fun! Also fun to see Nanita in the acknowledgements. And I'm excited that Jasmine has another book coming out in the fall.
That makes me so happy! And the second book will thrill all of you who, like me, LOATHE public wedding proposals. The "meet cute" is with a particularly likeable character from the first book who witnesses a Jumbotron proposal gone wrong and swoops in to help the young woman (who turned down the proposal) deal with leaving the packed stadium amidst the emotional aftermath!
I just read that summary and am super happy!
Ooh, love that. Because for some people the performative love of big proposal is thrilling but for me it would be horrible. So I would love to read that
I loved The Wedding Date, so I'm excited that she has another one on the way!
Re: public proposals -- I think that if you don't know your partner well enough to know if they like public proposals (and that includes just assuming that they do like them, even though you've never checked*), then you have no business proposing, in public OR private. But if you know your partner thinks a public proposal would be awesome, then go for it. (I cringe at them, though.)
*(This also includes surprise parties. Tim knows that a world of hurt awaits him if he ever tries that bullshit on me. And I had to sit through a surprise party that a friend threw for her boyfriend, who has crippling social anxiety as bad as mine. I emailed friend and asked if her boyfriend likes surprise parties, and she said "I don't know! I've never thrown one for him before!" When I mentioned his anxiety, she said "Oh, I'm his Safe Person; he'll be fine!"
SPOILER: He was not fine. I felt SO bad for him the entire night. For the first hour or so he had this vacant thousand-yard stare and was all sweaty, and then he got very, VERY drunk on tequila shots. Poor noodle.)
Anyway. Books, woo! Didn't mean to derail.
Ha! I think I am just a private person who doesn't want 50,000 strangers watching what to me is an intimate moment. I guess if someone proposed to me in Florida at the Marlins' ballpark I'd be okay (hahah inside baseball people joke).
I also loathe the kiss cam. Ewwwwwww. I usually am able to time my beer purchases to occur at that time.
Psssst it's Carlos who helps the girl out of her predicament. I crushed hard on Carlos in The Wedding Date.
Big ebook sale in many genres:
This is the mysteries list, and there are links to the others not too far down the page.
The mysteries list has a few Ellis Peters standalones, and I always love her. Make sure to click continue at the bottom of the first page. There's also some Patricia Wentworth, if you like generally relaxing mysteries in mid-century England.
The fantasy list has some Barbara Hambly, including Bride of the Rat God, which is a fun standalone that takes place in the early days of Hollywood in the 1920s; and the two sequels to Sorcery and Cecelia by Patricia Wrede.
I'm on page 4 of the mysteries one and I have no idea where the end is.
sigh ... Tom Wolfe has died