I like Henry too. The first book was very disjointed, probably because the way it was written as a serial, but I think it comes together and I really like the second book, of course mainly because it was very Sloane Slanted. I still want more, especially the fallout to
Henry possibly giving Sloane a true love's kiss.
Need to go read the description of the next Toby book. I was expecting it to be about the
wedding which should be entertaining.
I HATE that we have to wait until 2018 for the next Antimony book. She got the short end of the stick in that family.
Ooh, no. You're right though. This sounds like fun. I figured those chickens would come home to roost eventually.
Antimony is absolutely my favorite in InCryptid. Really looking forward to her next one.
I don't dislike the Indexing characters, but I kind of dislike the premise that narratives are evil and Sloane is the only one I like enough to overcome that.
Antimony is absolutely my favorite in InCryptid.
I really, REALLY want an Alice book.
I haven't read the Toby Daye books yet, but the fact that there are so many make me happy. I love starting a series with a bunch of books ahead of me.
I got a library notice that The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter was waiting for me. I didn't even remember requesting it! Can't wait to read this one.
Really liked The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter. Hit the sweet spot for that subgenre for me, I think.
Do not care for Alice. I feel like I am supposed to like her but I really just don't. The Prices in general are kind of irritating, but I put up with them for the cryptids who I generally like much more. And Antimony.
I really like Verity. I think I read Magic For Nothing way too quickly, because I wasn't left with much of an impression of Antimony. I need to reread it.
Y'all have got to read this, about a book scamming its way onto the NYT bestseller list:
Loooooove Dora's book but you may notice that from around
Y'all have got to read this, about a book scamming its way onto the NYT bestseller list:
Oh, that's gold. Wow. (I also didn't know you could do the bulk-buying thing.)