I think they should bundle them where if you buy the hardcover you get the electronic access too.
Sometimes that happens. Frequently there's a deal where if you get the hardcover you can get the electronic for a nominal charge, like a buck. Audiobooks also get bundled like that, but they are still more like $7.
I was reading the Coroner's Daughter on an library e-book loan, and it was really good! But it just expired and I haven't finished! I am on the waiting list again! It is good that it is so popular! But I want to finish!
Looking for family-friendly book recs for our long car trip next week. 10 year-old wants sci-fi, 6 year-old loves dragons and robots. The obvious candidate is Pern but I don't love the narration on the samples I've listened to so far. It's a 16-hour drive, so multi-book series are welcome!
I'm working the library bookstore today. Does anyone want a copy of Railsea or Kraken by Mieville?They're like new library editions. ETA: Claimed!
What about A Wizard of Earthsea, Jesse? It's not sf, but it's pretty great.
The Spidewick Chronicles are good audiobooks.
Sophia, I've learned that if you're reading on a Kindle and put it into airplane mode, ebooks don't expire until you turn airplane mode back off. Of course you can't get any new books, but it's a good way to finish a book that is expiring. Not really viable for tablets and phones, alas.
Ha, that's a good trick, bennett!
Jessica, have they read/heard the Tiffany Aching books? Emmett and I thought the audiobook for The Wee Free Men was hilarious. The one with Stephen Briggs.