One of the things I love about my e-reader is that I can carry it with me easily and I never have to worry about running out of books. Or, to prevent running out of books, carrying a lot of them with me.
I recently finished "Three Dark Crowns" - first of two books, YA fantasy, about three sisters (triplets), each with a specific "gift". At 16, they have to compete to become the one queen; the one who does becomes queen by killing off her sisters. Not exactly pleasant reading and I don't know if I'll go to the second book, but it was, um, different.
Has anyone else read
The Hate U Give?
I finished it a few days ago and was so impressed. The characters, in particular, are so richly and fully drawn. Lovers of YA novel and social justice, check it out!
I'm finishing up Ian Tregellis' Alchemy Wars trilogy, and I love these books. Maybe not as much as I loved the Milkweed Triptych, but I will take any trip available into Ian Tregellis' brain.
Wow, Jessica. I tried to read Milkweed, and the first book left me creeped out and horrified. It felt like the entire world was tainted with a bone-deep misanthropy, I just couldn't deal with it.
I did however just finish Buried Heart, the last of the Court of Fives books, and I think she really pulled it off. There's some great narrative payoff there, and a lot of excellent action and drama. Definitely recommended.
One of the things I love about my e-reader is that I can carry it with me easily and I never have to worry about running out of books. Or, to prevent running out of books, carrying a lot of them with me.
Yes. This. The kindle was a MASSIVE game changer for me for this reason.
It is almost embarrassing that I fought electronic reading for so long. I was holding tight to my "real" books. Now, I still buy them, because irresistible, but I read everything on my Nook.
I also love it because some things are only available electronically. Also, I sometimes luck into a sale, so I can check something out and see if I want to read more by that author.
I think they should bundle them where if you buy the hardcover you get the electronic access too.
The Kindle Paperwhite pushed me over to preferring my e-reader to an actual book.
About a year ago I misplaced my Paperwhite and ended up getting a Voyager (which is better, but probably not worth the extra cost). Naturally, I found my Paperwhite the day after I got the Voyager. But that turned out to be awesome because my MIL recently complained about not being able to read any Kindle books since using her tablet at night kept her for falling asleep. I gave her the Paperwhite and now she can read at night again.