I just chortled when I realized there was a WHOLE BAG of unsorted books in the dressing room.
I had the same response when I realized one of the shelves in the living room was actually doublestacked and there was a whole row behind the first that I hadn't gotten to yet.
It's a sickness.
Tolkien's squicky incest last book to be released next month - with illustrations from Alan Lee.
Amy, I've tagged all my books now (at least preliminarily), so it should be easy for you to check out any romances you would want me to pass on!
And I'm totally fantasizing about new bookshelves now...
Yay! I will go browse your collection ...
sumi, what's squickily incestuous about the Tolkien book?
I believe that the curse that causes the downfall of the family is the result of
sibling incest.
If I'm recalling the Silmarillion correctly. I suppose the Encyclopedia of Arda would help.
Sorry about that.
Of course, the Silmarillion has been out for 30 years so it can't really be that spoileriffic.
From the Encyclopedia of Arda:
The most tragic of Tolkien's heroes, Túrin, son of Húrin and cousin to Tuor, was in his time the most feared of Men by the servants of Morgoth. He did great service to both Doriath and Nargothrond, and is famed for slaying Glaurung, Father of Dragons, but the curse of Morgoth was on him, and evil followed him always. In the Forest of Brethil he came upon his own sister, but through the spells of Glaurung they did not know each other, and wed. After Nienor discovered the truth, she threw herself to her death, and in despair Túrin fell upon his own sword.
Sumi, you've posted that twice--once whitefonted, once not.
Whee! The b.org LibraryThing book count has updated (11266) and so has the Zeitgeist page.
OK. Cuecatting my books in is fun.
Now I want a DVDThing and a CDThing.
I also want a BooksI'veReadButDon'tOwnThing.