You want me to push Jilli your way?
Man. That would be like some crazy slash AU, wouldn't it?
English accent? Check.
Likes painting? Check.
Boyparts....not so much with the check.
Nope, much as I love slash, I'm a diehard shipper. BuffyNAngel4Evah!!1!! has nothing on my Jilli/Peeves OTP. (Jeeves! OMG, you even have a fabulous and appropriate
Jeeves? Oh blimey. Jilli is still wiping coffee off her monitor. Or at the very least trying not to choke after laughing so hard...
People should NOT be encouraging Aimee to buy MY dress.
Yup, I think that's likely to become another of those pieces of Buffista shorthand.
Can I get away with this brown? [link]
I think the black would look better on you. (I'm really not going to buy it - promise.)