Why are fireplace tools a seasonal item in Portland? I want a scoopy thing to remove ashes and a pokey thing to poke things about.
L.L. Bean! (or get the nightmare ones. SO COOL ARE THEY. cost be damned)
the weekend in the Dandenongs
Does this sound like a euphamism to anyone else?
I'm not sure if it is officially SAD, but I've had two therapists comment on Spring being prime seasonal depression time, despite the lack of publicity. It may, just possibly be a factor in how I've been feeling lately.
Oooh! A whole new syndrome! We should write a book about it and go on every talk show in the land!
Happy Birthday Princess TickyBox!!!
I can't believe it's been a year.
I don't think she has enough nicknames. We should get her some for her birthday.
I don't think she has enough nicknames. We should get her some for her birthday.
We were only five minutes late to the pediatrician. Everything looks good. Especially now that we have Tim Horton's donuts for breakfast.
Happy Birthday to the Nose Beep Protector!!
Still haven't done my taxes. I be lazy as all shit. I liked being stationed overseas while claiming California for tax purposes, no state taxes to pay! I got spoiled.
Toaster that says "I Love You"
(No, not Talky Toaster from Red Dwarf. This one just burns toast.)
Happy Birthday, Squeakaboo! We need birthday pictures.