We'll be calling because Scott's job is moving out of state soon (still in "driving" distance, provided gassing up the car doesn't send us to bankruptcy court) and the state it's going to has no state income tax. We're nearly certain that means we will be exempt from MA State Income tax, for the time he works there (as was the tax preparer we saw last weekend) but he's hearing conflicting things from some guys at work.
I work in Kansas and live in Missouri. The way it works here is that I get a tax credit for the taxes that I pay to Kansas on my Missouri return. So, the result is that I pay whichever is more. This year I got a refund from Kanas and had to pay Missouri three dollars because my Missouri taxes where three dollars more than my Kansas taxes.
Happy birthday to Lilibean, and happy Lilibean day to Plei and Paul, with awe and admiration (and possibly also with love and squalor)!
This whole birthday-having business is just craxy. Who told the babies they could go and do that?
Thanks, Gud. The MA DOR site is being no help at all. It goes on for ages about the tax status of non-residents who work in MA, but searches for residents who work in NH are fruitless. We're just going to need a MA Income tax pro to help us. Also? Dh's company is a financial company, and they've had the offices in NH for a while. It's not like dh is the first MA resident employed there. We'll figure it out. I just like spoilers.
Why is shit so expensive?
Why is shit so expensive?
People eating fancy desserts with gold foil?
This whole birthday-having business is just craxy. Who told the babies they could go and do that?
Word, JZ. I just went skimming through Lilly's pictures on flickr. The more I looked, the more it seemed impossible that she's been here a whole year. In my mind, she's still Plei's newborn. In reality, she's eating food, and learning to walk (or will be soon). It's so odd.
We'll figure it out. I just like spoilers.
Hate to say it, but I'd be really surprised if it doesn't work like Missouri.
Why are fireplace tools a seasonal item in Portland? I want a scoopy thing to remove ashes and a pokey thing to poke things about.
L.L. Bean! (or get the nightmare ones. SO COOL ARE THEY. cost be damned)
the weekend in the Dandenongs
Does this sound like a euphamism to anyone else?
I'm not sure if it is officially SAD, but I've had two therapists comment on Spring being prime seasonal depression time, despite the lack of publicity. It may, just possibly be a factor in how I've been feeling lately.
Oooh! A whole new syndrome! We should write a book about it and go on every talk show in the land!