As a New Parent of a rambunctious child who sees the need to injure herself constantly, I get that kids sometimes get hurt, even under the best of supervision.
But a skull fracture from a fall from a highchair? I'm not smart about a lot of things, and I could be totally wrong, but that would have to be a hard fall onto something like...a boulder, right?
Why's he resisting? It's five days.
Because he doesn't want to have to call the gas company again. He is saying the gas is currently off, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'm going to just let go of it for now, and if there is a problem later, he can deal with the fallout. I have enough stuff to deal with right now.
I've got a month's worth of Savage Love columns under my desk I could read to you, or The Counterpane Fairy, or I could just make something up about the doggies with tiaras who rule the Land Of Perfect Health Care and Clean Kitchen Sinks and keep rambling until I hear you snicker.
Just as long as you don't read her any Savage Love columns about doggies with might be counter-productive.
I'm going to just let go of it for now, and if there is a problem later, he can deal with the fallout.
Excellent strategy! Sometimes you just gotta let the person who has more of an emotional stake in the issue deal with it and the consequences.
But a skull fracture from a fall from a highchair?
Holy crap.
See, I always thought adult skulls were pretty hard, and therefore difficult to fracture, and that baby skulls were pretty *soft* and also difficult to fracture, so I'd love to know exactly how that poor thing's head got hurt.
I mean, after three kids, I know exactly how kids can get hurt accidentally, but a skull fracture?! I may still be reacting to the baby-on-lap pictures, too.
Excellent strategy! Sometimes you just gotta let the person who has more of an emotional stake in the issue deal with it and the consequences.
After giving up, I seem to have won. He is calling them back tomorrow (he can't call from work). I can't wait for this move to just be over. We normally get along great, but I am so stressed between my move and T and her family's move, that I seem to be pushed over the edge with the slightest little tap.
can't wait for this move to just be over. We normally get along great, but I am so stressed between my move and T and her family's move, that I seem to be pushed over the edge with the slightest little tap.
It's so stressful. There will be mutual irritation and possibly tears. As long as you can look at it right after the yuck moment passes and realize it's All About The Moving Stress, you'll be OK.
Thanks, Nora. I'll be ok. I have a lot of help, which is great, and when we are having dinner or snuggling or talking about non-apartment related stuff, there is no doubt in my mind that I we are making the right decision.
Well, I don't seem to be using mine, you want it Nora?