Steph, my parents could go days or weeks without talking to each other, so wrapping my head around the co-worker who coos to her husband two, three times a day is kinda beyond me.
Now, if you're
living with them, if you have some sort of limit on how much contact you have, I can see the content-free interaction being valuable (noting here that talking about
that has/had to be done is content). But if you're going home to them anyway? Don't get it.
I'm assuming it's a visceral thing, and that one day I may just feel the pull that flummoxes me now.
But talking to the same person, twice a day, everyday, and then going home to them... I don't know.
It really is what people have already said. Living with someone does involve some coordination, so much more so when you toss kids into the mix. Some of it is courtesy. What time you are getting home, that sort of thing. Then there is the whole enjoying talking to him part. Guess that's why we're married.
Married/en-coupled folk, I've asked this before, but I can't remember your answers -- is this typical? Or calling even once a day during the work day?
See above for DH's phone hatred. We don't talk much during the day--maybe twice a week, if that. And only random emails from work.
It's a personal thing; different people run their lives different ways. I just like visiting Jim-world and inviting him into Betsy-world. Each of us notices things that the other might miss. When we're out on a drive, we're constantly pointing out interesting street signs, beautiful vistas, annoying traffic behavior. "I saw this cool thing, I think you should see it too."
We ping each other a lot. Your keepalive time may vary.
Oh. Well, yeah, constant communication is because I like him. I see stuff I think he would think is interesting and I pass it on. Actually, I send him a lot more mail than he does me, but that's fine.
This. Even unto the more mail from my end, but that's because E has not yet mastered the art of the one-word-response-to-let-me-know-he's-not-ingoring-me, and is far less addicted to blogs.
Married/en-coupled folk, I've asked this before, but I can't remember your answers -- is this typical? Or calling even once a day during the work day?
It's typical for Joe and, for a lot of the same reasons stated above - how was your morning? How's the Punk? Did she get to school ok? Was school dickheadish this morning? And then the same in the evenings when he gets home. How'd your day end up? How was the Punk at school? What's for dinner?
Although, since I instated the "He who asks about dinner first has to decide on it and make it - if there's nothing in the crockpot" rule, the dinner question is asked a lot less frequently.
There have been times when I've engaged in multiple-daily e-mail contacts with little or no apparent value with someone. Stretches of e-mails that are just about an attachment or a link that made one of us think of the other one. But, again, not living together. Not always sure when next we'd see each other, and there's no simple way to save it all up and dump it later.
We never call during the day (we don't have the privacy or the predictable chunks of time to do so, and both loathe the phone) but we text pretty constantly. It's generally a mix of "how's your day?" and "buy cat food on your way home".
The funny thing is? I hardly ever email my DH - if I do, it's to forward an email from my brother (who lives in the UK). My daughter emails me 3 or 4 times a day. Mostly when she gets home from school to tell me about homework or such. But then she's always sending me funny links and stuff too. So of course, I have to reciprocate and send her fun stuff that I've found and tell her about how work is going.
You know, thinking back, the one time I lived with someone I was involved with, we did talk quite a bit. And the same with roommates. Maybe when you live with someone, you get used to sharing your thoughts that much more.