I'm glad that was just external sticky sugar lump rather than a chunk of glass.
Yeah, me too. I was getting a little worried there for a bit. Fortunately, there's a WONDERFUL emergency vet in Boston if necessary. Not that I have the money, but...
As for Lucy - what, brenda, no pictures?
What she said.
Man, if only I'd had my phone with me. So ridiculous.
So patient, and no squealing or anything. He got a treat.
I hope the treat wasn't a jolly rancher!
I'm going to go shower and walk to the drug store to get cat food. and a treat for me. I didn't leave the house once yesterday since I was a knitting fool. Time to stretch the legs!
Hi everyone. I have no news. I'm still in love. Oh! We went dancing last night, Wallybee's housemate's a dance instructor and his studio was doing their presentations and things. He got a gold cha cha award thing, and was also awarded best dancin' fool of the evening (he was seriously good). I, OTOH, was seriously awful. (Seriously.) I have suggested lessons would not look out of place in our future, because I like dancing, I just don't like looking like I'm trying to learn how to juggle when I do it.
But basically, still in love. The subject of kids came up in the conversation this afternoon. Seems we're both in favour of them. Who'd have guessed? She told me about this kid she was employed to translate for at kindergarten, and how his parents were causing him self-esteem problems through unreasonable expectations. She has a kind heart, and the courage to stand up (she took the matter up with his parents, politely but firmly). I like that. Hell, I love listening to her talk about things, because she cares, she treats people as precious, and she understands principles, and I know that when she talks about this stuff, I'm going to become a little more doomed. Dat's good doomed.
Daniel, that's perfect. Thanks!
You're welcome. I did find that exporting it to web format got it down to 35K. I'll send that one to you, too, because I should have thought of that initially.
Why didn't anybody tell me becoming a teacher was going to be this much work?
Not that I would have listened, or that it would have changed anything. But sheesh, people. Enough with the pointless paperwork! (I know, it's good training, right?)
Awww Doooooomed. And who can blame ya?
Sorry Emily. Perhaps knowing about the pointless paperwork has kept me away from teaching. Um, take the good with the bad? Your students are so very lucky that you made the decision to be their teacher despite the burdensome work load.
So, what does one wear to a belly dancing class?
So, what does one wear to a belly dancing class?
Comfortable clothes.
We've got a terrible snot monster who seems to have invaded Owen's nose. It's a nastier version than usual. Just in time for his birthday on Tuesday. Feh.