Trudy, I was just at the grocery store, and I saw Hello Kitty POP-TARTS!
You're KIDDING!?!?!?!? What flavor? Strawberry I bet!
We actually have a lovely Thai restaurant here, but it's horribly inconvenient, doesn't take reservations, and the food is not terribly spicy.
Well, give the Tom Yum (with shrimp if they're giving you an option -- the good place by my office just makes it that way and I think its what is traditional) a try some time if your head is 'splodey. Its not even the heat that does it (the place by home wasn't even that hot) its something in the mystical combination of spices. MAGICAL
Maybe tomorrow, or next weekend?
This could work well. Let's do that phone chat thing later, m'kay?
I am trying desperately to not have to actually talk to people in this whole arranging a moving company thing. Turns out they really want to talk to me though. Ggggrrrr.
And the lawn care guys desicraters are making me sneeze more. I sense running and hiding in the shower in my future. Then I can cull the closets, with hopefully at least some of the vim and vinegar with which I culled my footwear.
Ugh. I am still cold-ed. Spent all day teaching in this snotty, raspy-voiced, tired fug.
Am now home in a sarong. Waiting for butter to soften so I can amek grilled cheese and tomato soup.
I dreamt two nights ago about rattlensnakes biting my legs and me snapping their necks, while 2 other smaller rattlers started to bite me. WTF? And last night, I dreamed all night about being sick at work all day. Then, I was sick at work all day. SUCKAGE.
I got popped once by a boyfriend when I was 17. I slapped him back, drove off and made him walk home. He apologized at school the next day a, then sniped "But you shouldn't have made me walk home!"
I told him he was lucky I hadn't ripped his nuts off and sliced them up for breakfast. Never hit me again. OR bitched about walking home that night. He was plenty shitty to me in other ways, but he was my first encounter with males, and I was pretty naive.
Jen, I'm so glad your op went ok!!! Here's hoping for good news!
Laura! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
(late -- sorry. I blame the snot.)
Teppy's Love Weasel! I love it. I hear Pauly Shore saying it in my head.
Whoot! I got an actual estimated not-at-all-guaranteed we-pulled-the-number-out-of-our-ass price based on me-saying-what-furniture-items-I-had for moving! I am so happy. If I can get one more of these and they colluded to keep the numbers kinda sorta the same? I could pretty much ditch the idea of calling and comparing moving companies. Because I will pay extra for never talking to a human obviously.
He was plenty shitty to me in other ways, but he was my first encounter with males, and I was pretty naive.
I think a lot of us are pretty glad we aren't who we were at 17 anymore.
I think it's time to stop crafting. I just cut my hand with the rotary cutter. I'm not doing so well today.
vw! It's a clear sign. Go play in traffic; it's obviously safer.
Let's do that phone chat thing later, m'kay?
Because I will pay extra for never talking to a human obviously.
This just may be tricky...
vw! It's a clear sign. Go play in traffic; it's obviously safer.
Or, stay and play with us - whichever.