vw, are they talking about the one you are taking now, or the one they took you off of?
One I take now. I watched. It wasn't as bad as I thought. It actually looks like I'm probably too old to see the effects. Kind of a weird feeling, actually.
So, what do people think about Katie Couric taking over the network news desk?
I really like Katie, so I think it's kind of cool. But, well, we'll see.
I don't dislike Katie; I just think she's not anchor material. Too fluffy. There are many excellent women news reporters and anchors that I think would do a better job. I hope she proves me wrong.
I think what she does right now is fluffy. In fact I think that it is absurd how fluffy the Today show has become, but I think she has the potential to do more serious news.
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how she comes off when she's not being written to be all fluffy and perky.
Katie Curic usually makes my teeth ache.
We are going to have a fire drill today. It is supposed to be a secret. But I can tell y'all, right?
Ooooo! I know what I should do today. I should fill out my FAFSA online. That should make me feel better...like I'm moving towards something again.
I'd rather see the excellent reporters out reporting than sitting at the desk -- anchor is essentially a presenter position, and not a go get the goods one, and she's certainly good as a presenter. And I'll second those who think Katie is sharper than her current material.
(The fact that all TV news is fluff anymore is a rant I'll save for another time, since it's nothing to do with KC)
Oooooh, vw. I did my FAFSA already. I had to do it before March 2 to apply for a Cal Grant - still don't know if I got one or not.
I am tired and achey and was looking forward to a day off tomorrow wehn my dentist called me to remind me I had an 8am appointment tomorrow morning. I wailed and gnashed teeth for 15 minutes before I realized I could change the appointment (it's just to refill old fillings that don't bother me). So I did. Exhausted relief filled the land, and it was good. Well, OK, anyway.
Still tired and achey and crampy though. But at least I don't have to go to the dentist and I can fantasize about sleeping in tomorrow.
I have to say that I actually enjoy the fluff. It's one of the reasons I've turned on the tv the past couple of mornings. I can get the basic news, although, not in great detail (which to be perfectly honest, I don't need right now), and have some morning fluff. It adds to some knowledge of things going on in the world and takes my mind off my world for a while.
Now, I have learned, though, that I have to turn off the tv between 9 and 10 am. That Kelly (Regis and Kelly) is more than I can handle. While talking to my therapist last night, she was shocked that I had actually watched Regis and Kelly, and I didn't have anything nice to say about it. Finally, she said, "I think we're both getting a bit judgemental here. Maybe we need to go back to the facts." To which I responded, "Ok. Just the facts. I find Kelly Rippa to be one of the most annoying people on the planet. The tv would be a much better place without her." My therapist laughed and laughed, and said that I'm not allowed to watch anymore. Actually, what she said was, "Do we need to track this on your diary card? 'Cause I can make you."