I think he feels as betrayed by the haircut as anything. He started growing his own hair out when the Red Sox made their run in 2004.
That's understandable. I think Damon looks awful with the short hair; the shaggy look worked well for him. It is well beyond my bedtime; good night everyone!
Well, I'm gonna drag my slightly drunk butt to bed. Ahhhhhh - I needed tonight. So sweet.
Is there anywhere I can get a schedule fo Red Sox games? Just so I know when le Bloke is cranky because he's missing/lost a game or cranky for other reasons. Also, so I can impress him with my mad baseball skillz. How many touchdowns wins a game, again?
I have taken something to help me sleep (usually a quarter of an Ambien) almost every night for the past two weeks. Tonight, I didn't, because I figured the Vicodan I was taking to combat the headache I'd had all day would knock me out.
Oh, I was sadly mistaken. And now I'm starting to recall that every other time I've taken Vicodan in the past year or so, I've been kept awake by it.
So! In addition to not sleeping, I get to worry about whether or not I'll ever sleep without chemical aid again. I am not the perkiest of Goths right now.
Incidentally, Bostoners and New Yorkers, if you feel a disturbance in the force this weekend, that would be Emmett arriving in your fair cities. His Mom is taking him east for spring break. He'll be landing in NYC on Friday. Going to Beantown Saturday through Thursday. Back to NYC Thurs -Sun. Then back home.
Yay! Emmett will have such a fabulous time.
Emmett kept yelling at him every time he came on the screen: "You traitor!"
Ahhhhhh - I needed tonight. So sweet.
Jars, here you go: [link]
Poor Jilli! Hope you got *some* sleep, at least.
Thanks vw, that's perfect.
Oh, good. I love it when I can be googly helpful.
Also, I forgot to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEPHANIE!
Where's my morning shift??
ME TOO! I went to bed late, hoping to sleep in. But, nope. Apparently, my body thinks I need to get up at 6am.