I live in a world war II-era house and I'm not at all sure the wiring has ever been upgraded. I buy the three-prong converter doodads in bulk and then lalalalalaICAN'THEARYOU about the rest.
ah, college. I live in an apartment that has one phone jack, one outlet in the kitchen and one plug in the bathroom (meaning you can only plug in one thing at a time, so you couldn't say, turn your curling iron on while you blew your hair dry). I feel you.
You have a plug in the bathroom?
Yeah, we had the cloth-covered wiring and one outlet per wall when we moved in here, too. And no, you couldn't make coffee and toast at the same time. Heaven forfend anybody should want to dry their hair when toast or coffee was being made. And the AC unit in the bedroom window, the refrigerator in the kitchen and the tv in the living room were all on the same circuit, so you had to be sure to only run the AC or the tv, because if the fridge motor kicked in, it was a trip to the basement for somebody to trip the circuit breaker.
H has rewired almost the whole house now. Though the plumbing still sucks.
sj! Congrats on the apartment. But I'm overcome with disappointment you and Dave will be skipping the F2F. I understand--and even approve of--your reasons. But still, I was looking forward to seeing you again and meeting him.
Thanks! I'm dissapointed too. There are so many people I wanted to meet in person or see again (especially you).
Yeah, we had the cloth-covered wiring and one outlet per wall when we moved in here, too. And no, you couldn't make coffee and toast at the same time.
Yep. You could tell where the washer was in its cycle by the lights dimming throughout the house. Good times...
Loved the house but owning it would have required a wrecking ball and architect.
My mother scared my last landlord into putting in an outlet in the bathroom. It was a fairly modern apartment, but in the summer, when the window air condition was running in the summer, I had to turn off all the lights to use the microwave.
Sweet! A's win in the bottom of the 9th, beating the Yankees!
::runs around like a Muppet::
Emmett's fever has abated so I'm sending him back to school tomorrow.
Incidentally, Bostoners and New Yorkers, if you feel a disturbance in the force this weekend, that would be Emmett arriving in your fair cities. His Mom is taking him east for spring break. He'll be landing in NYC on Friday. Going to Beantown Saturday through Thursday. Back to NYC Thurs -Sun. Then back home.
He's about 4'5" now, will definitely be wearing a baseball hat and his hair is to his shoulders. Say hi to him if you see him on the street.
Baseball and rain - non-mixey things, and yet....tonight's A's game was fantastic.
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I love the feeling after watching a good game and getting the win. I also love the gentle buzz of the perfect application of just enough alcohol.
What do I do with a 220 outlet in a bedroom? That feels like I need to put in a call to Tim Taylor.
Great cross post! Sending out baseball vibes to Hec.
and yet....tonight's A's game was fantastic.
JZ was complaining early on: "Why did you introduce something else into my life that's stressful and nervous-making?" But later admitted that the ending was thrilling. Two things that have my full confidence: Huston Street in the 9th when his tongue is hanging out and Marco Scutaro coming to the plate in the 9th at home with a man in scoring position.