I just made the best dinner
( whitefont for perkins delicate feelings). Then in the same pan sauteed chicken breasts(thin cut) that had been dreged in flour, salt, pepper, and fresh thyme. once it was done I sauteed a tiny bit of onion and many sliced mushrooms in the pan. deglazed with red wine. sauce over the chicken crumbled
over the chicken.
sidedish, the first. Fennel carmalized in a pan, a little onion, butter and olive oil - salt and pepper.
sidedish the second. cubed white potatoes, and sweet potatoes, microwaved ( in other words steamed) with butter salt and pepper.
Time to pull together ( including defrosting the chicken ) 20- 30 minutes
I've made errors in cooking ( at other times) , but I am a damn fine cook.
Oh my god, beth. Can I come for dinner?
As much as I reminded myself the other night that I am a good cook? Tonight, not so much. I ate a veggie hot dog. It wasn't dinner so much as nostalgia.
Beth, that sounds like a fabulous dinner. I am getting better with cooking, but I still avoid cooking with meat. I love eating meat, I don't mind cooking with ground meat, but I hate having to actually handle raw meat.
sj - gloves, the disposable ones. but, honestly, the store cut the meat, so touching was very little. and while I would call me a hands on cook - ground meat usually requires more handleing.
One of the interesting things is that my neighborhood considers Matt the cook in the family. That is because Matt can orcestrate big dinners for 40 plus people. Only a few people know that we have two cooks in the family.
Oh dear. It's just started raining here, and it looks like it's not stopping anytime soon. Wallybee is out in it, she doesn't have a car and her work takes her all over the city, often on bicycle. And there's not really anything I can do to help but be sympathetic.
Meanwhile, had lunch with one of my brothers, and another brother's ex-girlfriend. Certainly made for some interesting conversation.
sj - gloves, the disposable ones. but, honestly, the store cut the meat, so touching was very little. and while I would call me a hands on cook - ground meat usually requires more handleing.
You're right, I need to invest in some gloves. Although, once we are living together, I think I will make Dave cook chicken once a week. He is a pretty good cook too. For me ground meat requires very little handling, because it is usually headed right into a tomato sauce, so it goes into the pan from the container. No touching required.
So, how are y'all?
Particularly splendid, Trudes me ol' china. Except I have a soggy sweetheart, and I'm powerless to do anything about it!
t tacklehugs billytea
She sounds darling. You should send me a long e-mail telling me every little thing.
She sounds darling. You should send me a long e-mail telling me every little thing.
Good point! I'll get right on that. How are you, meanwhile?