Cash, he shouldn't have scheduled the procedure without discussing it with you first. I would call the doctor and ask to talk to him NOW about what it entails, why he (and the other MD) think it's necessary, and what Olivia's possible condition means -- i.e. is it really something that needs taking care of, or just one of those little weirdnesses.
I'm so sorry -- doctors can be such asshats sometimes.
x-posty, of course -- I see he's not there today. But tomorrow, man, first thing, he better be on the phone with you.
What, he doesn't have a pager? Seriously, make his office call him. If he can be so damn inconsiderate of you, you can play that game too.
I'm guessing because it's thick and greasy and people feed it to you because they love you?
Not bad for a Lutheran from flyover country, if I may say.
But...not exactly a straight line...that metaphor.
What Brenda said, disturb his day if at all possible. What an asshat.
Sell, sell, sell, sj! And if you get more cash than you were expecting, feel free to book a flight to SF.
Are they selling flights for $14 now?
That doesn't sound right, Cash. That's definitely something your doctor should've discussed with you.
I thought about having another doctor at the practice call me--BUT they haven't examined Liv and don't know the extent of the problem. I should demand they page him and have him call me, regardless of whether he's in the office today or not.
Thing is, I looked up the dignosis and Olivia has NO other symptoms of the condition. It says that babies with laryngomalacia spit up worse than normal--which she DOESN'T. If anything, she spits up way less than Owen did. And if it were interferring with her nursing, she wouldn't be gaining weight as well as she has. She hasn't had a problem getting air at all so I don't know if that's his biggest concern.
Of I should have been more worried about the condition when he mentioned it last month. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to wait another few weeks to see if it's NOT laryngomalacia but rather just a problem with her getting her breathing neurologically coordinated (which is the other possiblity)--something she'll mostly likely outgrow very soon.
Hell, even mild laryngomalacia can be outgrown without doing anything about it. So why should we subject her to the torture of tests like this? Unless the problem is more serious than I thought?
Yiddish for chicken fat.
Well, yes. The current discussion is how that came to mean over the top sentimentality.
Wanna through a little bit of gasoline on my rage? The doctor's office is closed for the lunch hour--nobody taking calls or even an answering machine. I get to stew about this for another hour.
Susi, I could ask my neighbor. She teaches Hebrew and Jewish studies at Ohio State.
And this means no more chemo for the next couple of months.
I forgot to say, YAY JEN!
Are they selling flights for $14 now?
Maybe! Plus or minus a little...
Cash, I agree with others that if he can be so flighty to schedule a procedure like that without discussing it with you, you have every right to demand to speak to him asap.
ETA: After the office decides to start answering the phone again... that is.