My family is so weird.
I am half Iranian. All my Iranian relatives have left the country and live either in the US or Germany.
My uncle, who lives in Florida, sent around a Persian pop song (I haven't listened to it yet cause I'm at work). My cousin, in Germany, who only learned Farsi recently translated the song into English, another language he learned as an adult.
Now there is discussion back and forth regarding the poetry of the song and the word schmaltzy was used to describe it. Now they are debating the definition and derivation of the word schmaltzy.
That's fucked up, Cash. Can you call him and bitch him out (and incidentally get him to tell you what the hell's going on?)
Oh, Cashmere, that sounds like an awful situation. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that.
Oh, Cashmere, that's freaky. I'd be freaking out too. Can you call and yell at the doctor, 'cause that's totally what I'd do. He should have talked to you about this.
He's not in the office today. So I get to fume and rant about it. He'd better fucking call me first thing tomorrow morning or I'm going postal on his ass.
I'm staying away from google because I've already read enough about the infant procedure to give me a panic attack.
And I'm pissed at my doctor for making this kind of decision without my knowledge or consent or even telling me what our options are.
Cash, he should never have scheduled a procedure without telling you first. It's probably just an oversight, but it's hella rude.
Now they are debating the definition and derivation of the word schmaltzy.
I'm curious too -- I've never been able to figure out how the idiomatic meaning of "schmaltzy" relates to chicken fat.
Cash, he shouldn't have scheduled the procedure without discussing it with you first. I would call the doctor and ask to talk to him NOW about what it entails, why he (and the other MD) think it's necessary, and what Olivia's possible condition means -- i.e. is it really something that needs taking care of, or just one of those little weirdnesses.
I'm so sorry -- doctors can be such asshats sometimes.
x-posty, of course -- I see he's not there today. But tomorrow, man, first thing, he better be on the phone with you.
What, he doesn't have a pager? Seriously, make his office call him. If he can be so damn inconsiderate of you, you can play that game too.
I'm guessing because it's thick and greasy and people feed it to you because they love you?
Not bad for a Lutheran from flyover country, if I may say.
But...not exactly a straight line...that metaphor.
What Brenda said, disturb his day if at all possible. What an asshat.
Sell, sell, sell, sj! And if you get more cash than you were expecting, feel free to book a flight to SF.
Are they selling flights for $14 now?