MG, going by Suzi on the board would be teh bomb! Unless you decide against it and then just forget I said anything.
vw, yay! for stuff going right with the bank! It's about time.
Nora, everything sucking ass sucks. Anything we can do to help? Yell at someone? Tell goofy knock-knock jokes?
ImeN ~ It's not fair that my office-mate thinks she can complain about getting *too much* sleep when I probably only got about an hour of sleep. I'ma hit her if she keeps it up.
Poor Nora! I'd offer to come steal you away for lunch, but J is coming to get me soon. Damn having other plans.
Toto is very playful right now. Unfortunately, I think he wants me to play *with* him, which is so not gonna happen.
Nicole - was considering SuziQ. Oh, and insent.
I just got to talk to Nicole. You should all be very jealous.
Nora: PUSH IT!
Oooh baby, baby, ooh baby baby
OK, y'all and my husband made me laugh. Tom sent me this:
As Sir Mix-A-Lot once said: "Baby got results, provided by her result-getting spouse."
SuziQ = perfection! As long as you like being called that in person. It sticks in my head that way. SuziQ SuziQ SuziQ.
vw is too lovely for words.
Back in a while. Meetings should be banned. IJS.
I was thinking SuziQ too!
Y'all made me smile now.
Ok, will ask for the change.
I don't mind being called SuziQ in person. I'll answer to just about anything other than Susan or Sue. While my name *is* Susan, it is pronounced Sus-san - which only my family seems to get.
Two of Hearts
Two Hearts that beat as one
Two of Hearts
I need you, I need you!
Keep 'em coming people! I watched the 80's Gold informerical with Rick Springfield this weekend, I got a million of 'em!