ISchool-relatedN, I heard from my pre-calc prof this morning. He wants me to consider taking an Incomplete before dropping the class. This is great news. It also gives me some more time to figure out if I'm gonna be able to finish it, rather than having to decide by April 6.
Also, just heard from my MRC counselor. She said to AMA the Financial Aid People's asses. Well, not exactly in those words. But, I'm supposed to keep going up the chain saying, "This is due to a disability, and I expect you to make reasonable accommodations." She said it may be difficult if the loans are federal (which they are), but that I should keep pressing the issue.
So, anyway, I'm feeling a bit encouraged.
I've left her an e-mail and a voice mail. I'm going to stop by my bank and get cash for my rent, instead of putting in the check. Then hopefully they'll make the deposit available right away (isn't that how it usually works with cash?).
I'm not sure, but you can insist upon it. A thing like this sort of happened to my mother, when she was getting together the money to buy her condo. She had a cashier's check from one bank, that she was depositing (and a cashier's check should be viewed as sound as cash). They weren't going to do whatever mojo they do to make it show up right away, but when she got insisty, the teller called over another teller who knew how to do a special sort deposit that did make it show up right away.
Ok, I'm thinking of changing my board name to something akin to my real name. Most of y'all know my real name and I've never flinched when folks use it here. I'm not sure why I'm hestitating.
vw, generally, the law requires both cash and cashiers' checks to be available for withdrawal no later than the next business day after deposit. But the bank can make the money available more quickly.
Ok. Good.
Went by the bank and explained the situation. They made the deposit, but are mailing the deposit slip directly to Emily, so as not to give me the number. And they said the cash would be available immediately. So, all is well.
ION: Everything sucks ass, and I hate it. Everything, that is. And the sucking of ass thereof.
Yay for helpful bank people!
MG, I'm all in favor of the name change so I don't have to translate in my mind, but that's just me. Also, next month I get to see you!
Laura - that was part of my thinking. Answering to MG at the F2F would be so odd.
Right now the F2F is one of the few things keeping my chin up. is teh bomb.
MG, going by Suzi on the board would be teh bomb! Unless you decide against it and then just forget I said anything.
vw, yay! for stuff going right with the bank! It's about time.
Nora, everything sucking ass sucks. Anything we can do to help? Yell at someone? Tell goofy knock-knock jokes?
ImeN ~ It's not fair that my office-mate thinks she can complain about getting *too much* sleep when I probably only got about an hour of sleep. I'ma hit her if she keeps it up.