I like it, because it's basically like a shawl that is stitched together...it's staight in the back, which I love. And it's kind of cozy.
It's really pretty. Never thought I would be saying that about a poncho.
Puppycat is being very needy and annoying. She doesn't know how to just accept being pet, she wiggles and nips at my hand, but she adamently wants to be pet.
Oh! Twittering birds in the tree. That distracted her. Or a squirrel. Whatever it is, has rapt cat attention.
vw, your yarn store owner is spectacularly right: ~ma for your mom's doctors being as perceptive for her, to find yay or nay and if need be, come up with a bright plan for her health. Snuggles and mucho Harvey-purrs to you.
Heh. I made a "cats and knitting" post. I am un-crafty, so it's amusing me.
So, I take it it is not the wonderland I was lead to believe it was?
They are only Wonderlands if you love racing. Otherwise? I suspect misery. Crowded misery.
Sometimes, the Wonderlands look like this.
You can hang out with folks like this.
Or this.
Let's not forget these guys.
And REALLY sketchy people like this....
But sometimes there are sports breaks on the track.
So, I should probably take back my motivation from Nora and do some math. But, see, I just have the feeling that she is using it so well. I hate to take it away.
LOVELY poncho, bug! Mad crocheting skillz!
(All my –ma are belong to you, btw.)
Meanwhile, and I hope that you’ll forgive the trivial mememeness of the post, I’m having one of those ‘gosh, I like my life’ moments. Nothing in particular, just sitting here eating sesame bagel filled with whipped cream cheese and blueberries, half-watching
The Princess Bride
. The bagel is from Jared’s Bagels, who deliver. Last night I ordered bagels and banana muffins and strawberry smoothies, which they duly delivered at the requested time (between 6.30 and 7am), just in time to be taken to work for breakfast. Was my flatmate ever surprised to be handed a bag of yummy breakfast goodness!
It has been another nice day teaching Literacy resource – today has featured a lot of performance poetry (‘Pirate Captain Jim’) and working on various versions of Chicken Little. It was fun. My kids rock. After school my flatmate and our New York Muslim mate N and I all went to try out the new Japanese/Chinese restaurant called ‘Fusion’ which is on the bank of the Nile a 5 minute drive from our house. We watched the sun set over the water as we ate yummy sushi – man , it’s one of my favourite spots in Cairo, that little area, and my very favourite time of day, watching the sky blushing pink and violet and crimson and gold, and the river silvering over, with fishing boats and feluccas turning to graceful silhouettes. Afterwards we paused outside and decided to do sheesha and mint tea. There were bats skirling around through the branches of the trees next to the river, and the moon was a skinny wee grin in the night sky – we get it that shape over here, a crescent like the curve you find on top of a mosque, and it always makes me think that the night is smiling. Beautiful.
On our way home we stopped off at Cinnabon, for N to buy 30 cinnamon rolls – tomorrow is her Treat Day on the bus. I popped into the supermarket next door to pick up some cat food, and was horrified to see myself on the CCTV screen as I went in, looking like a dishevelled and makeup-free hippo. Somewhat depressed, I picked up my stuff and went to pay, and was enormously cheered to be chatted up by the guy at the counter, who was all “but you are so beautiful!” Which was nice, and is one of the things I’m going to miss about Egypt.
And now I’m half-watching
The Princess Bride,
and eating a bagel.
Life is good.
Let's not forget these guys.
Heh. That picture will always make me laugh, Tep.
Fay made me want a bagel. And to be in Egypt. With a bagel.
I want baked goods delivered!
Let's not forget these guys.
Heh. That picture will always make me laugh, Tep.
I admire their enthusiasm.
No, really! I mean, I'm writing this in a thread called "Spike's Bitches." I have no room to mock fannish enthusiasm.
Fay, that sounds so wonderful. And thank you for describing it so well!