So. Um. Shit. Now I know why mom and dad were so insistent about having brunch with me today.
Mom had her mammogram on Monday. Apparently, she had to have another one on Friday. She sees the surgeon on Tuesday. They're moving very quickly, because my grandma died of breast cancer.
Mom said not to worry. Yeah, right. I SO did not need One. More. Thing.
{{{vw}}} Tons of health~ma to your mother.
The Universe is now officially ON NOTICE. It needs to seriously lay off.
vw--So is this a biopsy or do they know it's cancer? I know it's impossible not to worry, but remember, even if it IS cancer, breast cancer is INCREDIBLY treatable these days.
Mother and Cousin Both Long Term Breast Cancer Survivors
I need to remind myself that things have come a long way since Grandma died. I mean, that was 20 years ago.
Let's hope it's a cyst or a benign tumor. 90% of biopsies are nothing (except anxiety-producing). I've had a couple and they are not fun, but not the worst procedure in terms of quick recovery. I am sending all kinds of vibes mom-ward and strength to you and your dad, too.
vw, I'm so sorry. I hope that everything goes well with her, and I'm glad they're not wasting time with anything.
Did they say what they did see on the mammo (like a mass vs. calcification, etc.)?
Did they say what they did see on the mammo (like a mass vs. calcification, etc.)?
I don't remember. I think I went numb after she said she went back for the second mammo on Friday.
Doing a little better. Breathing again. It will be ok. It has to.
Oh, and mom and dad said they're going to pay for the quilt parties so I can keep doing the quilt-of-the-month thing. They said they'll just start my 30th birthday celebration early and extend it a bit. I've got good parents.
Don't start worrying until at least the biopsy, vw. They're frequently negative. It is good that the doctor is sending her for one right away. Mine had the hilarity of them telling me on the phone, "We'll be sending you home with ice in your bra." Mine wasn't particularly painful, although I was grateful for the ice for about a day. There was the weirdness of feeling like your breast is part of a videogame -- they're trying to stick your numbed breast where the mass showed up, so they keep checking it on a screen.