Did they say what they did see on the mammo (like a mass vs. calcification, etc.)?
I don't remember. I think I went numb after she said she went back for the second mammo on Friday.
Doing a little better. Breathing again. It will be ok. It has to.
Oh, and mom and dad said they're going to pay for the quilt parties so I can keep doing the quilt-of-the-month thing. They said they'll just start my 30th birthday celebration early and extend it a bit. I've got good parents.
Don't start worrying until at least the biopsy, vw. They're frequently negative. It is good that the doctor is sending her for one right away. Mine had the hilarity of them telling me on the phone, "We'll be sending you home with ice in your bra." Mine wasn't particularly painful, although I was grateful for the ice for about a day. There was the weirdness of feeling like your breast is part of a videogame -- they're trying to stick your numbed breast where the mass showed up, so they keep checking it on a screen.
Good lord, VW, the universe really has it out for you and yours, don't they?
I pronouce it with a syllable, two halves and an inkling. TEAR ah ho(aht)
I'm also from Indiana, though not quite near there, and say Terra-hoat (like rhymes with coat).
And I'm from *Indianapolis* and have never been to the 500. For that matter, we usually left town that weekend to avoid the traffic and the hordes of people (particularily those clad in spandex they should've avoided, and liquored up)
I was all sleeping in and sleeping in, and then I was like "shit, I'm late for the thing I'm going to at 2pm!" And then I checked my email, and realized the thing isn't until 4:30. This puts a damper on my plans to get shit done, as I don't particularily want to clean or go to the grocery store right now, but if I don't do it now....well, I may not be going to the thing. Hmm.
In brighter news, while in the hospital, I crocheted and crocheted and crocheted, and, don't tell Anne W., but I finished this poncho: [link] Here's a closeup: [link] I really am pleased with how it turned out. And I just love the yarn.
Edited to show that, well, at least Emily knows how to spell.
Most biopsies do not lead to cancer...my mother was, well, the freak, and she's coming up on five years cancer free.
but I finished this poncho:
What a cute little bug! Poncho looks great and I say that as a not-fan of the genre.
My mom is almost 20 years cancer-free, these days. And there's been lots better stuff since then....
God, feeling like a House episode now. Except my mother never seized while getting radiated or anything...you'd think the ducklings would learn to fucking *watch* while giving the MRIs and shit.
((vw)) My thoughts are with you and your mom for her biopsy. It's good that they are sending her quickly but remember this is just a test.
Nice try but pig fat is not evil.
Haram! Haram!
Well, yes, unlawful. But not felony-inducing.
So, I take it it is not the wonderland I was lead to believe it was?
They are only Wonderlands if you love racing. Otherwise? I suspect misery. Crowded misery.
I love the poncho, though (and did you ever think you'd hear me say that?).