I'm also having fun imagining Trudy in the Land of Hoosiers.
I have a confession to make. Although I was born and bred in Indiana, I've only went to the Indy 500 one time. It was hot and muggy that day and it felt like the Battan Death March with beer coolers.
So, I take it it is not the wonderland I was lead to believe it was?
I've actually been to the Speedway, but it was before Cassiepants turned me into a racefan. Weird, huh?
Thanks for all the well-wishes, everyone.
Now, don't tell anyone
the trip lest they leave you in the desert to die.
Kristin, yay awesome trip, and yay awesome-sounding new job!
So. Um. Shit. Now I know why mom and dad were so insistent about having brunch with me today.
Mom had her mammogram on Monday. Apparently, she had to have another one on Friday. She sees the surgeon on Tuesday. They're moving very quickly, because my grandma died of breast cancer.
Mom said not to worry. Yeah, right. I SO did not need One. More. Thing.
{{{vw}}} Tons of health~ma to your mother.
The Universe is now officially ON NOTICE. It needs to seriously lay off.
vw--So is this a biopsy or do they know it's cancer? I know it's impossible not to worry, but remember, even if it IS cancer, breast cancer is INCREDIBLY treatable these days.
Mother and Cousin Both Long Term Breast Cancer Survivors