vw, you deserve much quiltiness. I hope you get to go for it.
Thanks. I just talked to my dad, and he thinks I should go as a "test" to see how I do out in the world, because it's a short period of time, etc. Plus, I get to rest and relax tomorrow, since I'm not going in to work. So, I just might go.
Just e-mailed my abnormal psych prof to let him know I'm dropping the class. Also e-mailed disability services to see if they can help negotiate things with my other professors so I can finish the semester.
Boy, this is frustrating.
As long as it's free of syphilis chips.
Even if it's the funny syphilis?
vw, I got my cookbook too. I've only given it a cursory glance, but it looks great! Love the cover.
vw, I got the cookbook. It looks great! I'm looking forward to trying new recipes now.
Love the cover.
We can thank Raq for the amazing graphics. Isn't she amazing?
Happy Birthday, Laura!!!
{{{vw}}} I hope you can go to quilting today.
Just packaged up my Bitch Blanket. Yay!
Observation: Teppy no longer refers to a particular male companion as the "umfriend" and instead, now calls him "the boy."
Analysis: redacted. Discuss amongst yourselves.
That sounds like something good is happening in Teppyland.
Observation: Teppy no longer refers to a particular male companion as the "umfriend" and instead, now calls him "the boy."
Mostly, I dislike the word "umfriend." In terms of status, he's still very much an umfriend. I just need a better way to refer to him.