My poor husband just did a series of allergist visits and was poked with needles to discover why he is congested all the time.
He has non-allergic rhinitis, which is far harder to treat than the allergic kind. He's not allergic to anything; his nose is just mean.
Jilli, can you wear that neckline? I can't, and I always have big envy of the women who can wear those graceful boat necklines.
So....has anyone had anything *good* happen to them lately?
My mom's been in town, and we haven't fought yet! It's been a fantastic visit, actually.
Also, another step in my emotional recovery has been taken. I may actually be not-feral in the ways of dating soon! This is good.
JZ's dress is verrrrrra pretty. I lurves it.
edit: oops, well I loved the dress JZ wore on Saturday, and next time, love? You be as showy and flashy as you want. I never mind sharing spotlight with you.
Jilli, can you wear that neckline? I can't, and I always have big envy of the women who can wear those graceful boat necklines.
I'm pretty sure I can. I have no idea, actually.
I may actually be not-feral in the ways of dating soon!
Ooooh -- the scary "D" word! Right on!
Oh, that is terribly mean, Betsy!
Love hearing the good things.
My doctor finally called back--as I was in the stacks of the QUIET floor of the library at school. Oh, well. I tried to whisper. We're going to increase my seizure med a bit, but mostly he wants to get me off of it and on to something new. We'll see how that goes over with my psychopharm. Fortunately, they are good friends. They'll work it out.
Therapy went well too. Therapist is really pleased with how well I'm handling everything that's coming my way. That was nice to hear. It's kinda been a rough week. I needed some more encouragement and validation.
He has non-allergic rhinitis, which is far harder to treat than the allergic kind. He's not allergic to anything; his nose is just mean.
I have this. There basically isn't any treatment (well, I've already had the laser surgery). I do a bunch of stuff (saline, gel) to cut down on sinus infections, which are caused by rhinitis causing congestion. I live on sudafed, but I imagine your hubby's other medications would contraindicate pseudephedrine, Betsy?
He takes Sudafed, but it only mitigates, it doesn't cure. Sigh. (He's not on any major meds, actually.)
I just puked.
Please, oh, please tell me I'm not getting the stomach flu.