So....has anyone had anything *good* happen to them lately? Because it seems like Perpetual Existential Rain Of Toads is falling upon the Bitches.
My Rain of Toads seems to be ending. That killer, mutant UTI plus something else no one can figure out, seems to be passing.
Things are great with Fella.
The other night, after one of those heavy, deep and real conversations that clear out the fear and draw a couple together, we both said (I in my head, he outloud) "If I ever get married again, it will be with a handfasting." at the exact same time
In a month, it will be 25 years since the day I got married (divorced 7 years later). I never thought I'd ever even consider doing that again.
And yet? Here we are, fantasizing about ceremonies...simultaneously.
More good news! JZ did some scans for me that I've been wanting for a while.
Jilli, you'll like this one. My favorite Premiere Magazine cover
Also my favorite Archies comic book cover. Betty and Veronica go punk!
I will be getting some vintage bakeware (and a teapot) in the mail soon (all pink with black lids!)
Oooh, Jilli! Pictures, when you get them? Please?
Before I forget again, exam ~ma to you, sj!!
Things are great with Fella.
Lovely to read, Beej!! Yay for you and Fella!
Jilli, you'll like this one. My favorite Premiere Magazine cover
Oooh, Jilli! Pictures, when you get them? Please?
I can link to the auctions.
Teapot: [link]
Casserole dish: [link]
Ok, had to edit my post. Amazing what it reads when you leave off the contraction.
ION, I want that haircut that Winona has in the picture.
I remember positively swooning over that Premiere cover. Gary...come look at me that way.
And thanks Nicole. We're really happy!
Planning is in full swing for the All-Fella-All-The-Time birthday weekend coming up:
Friday night St. Pat's party with friends
- Saturday morning, breakfast in bed
- full body massage
a burlesque I've written especially for him- trip to a museum to see some art he likes
- dinner with friends, featuring a table reading of the Serenity sock puppet theatre, complete with sock puppets and character writing Fella's rpg character into the script
- darts/pool/margaritas
- dessert at my house (my 70% chocolate cake with a fresh peanut butter frosting
- Sunday morning brunch with friends featuring a trip to the fish monger
- Firefly RPG at my house
- Sushi making at the above mentioned friend's house
Did I forget anything?
Yes! Prezzies...including a hand embroidered dice bag, toys and an appointment with my acupuncturist to jumpstart his health.
Phew! Ima need to rest all next week.
I can link to the auctions.
Thank you. Both the casserole dish and the teapot are absotively beautiful! I think I may need to haunt ebay for a bit tonight. I don't know why I always thought practical items had to look practical. Stupid of me, really.
Hivemind check! Do I want this dress? [link]
I've been looking for that style for a while now (and the Stop Staring site doesn't have it in stock, drat them.)