So....has anyone had anything *good* happen to them lately? Because it seems like Perpetual Existential Rain Of Toads is falling upon the Bitches.
I found a wee froggie inside my car door frame yesterday. It was adorable, and I set it free in the shrubby area next to the parking lot--not too far from a swamp. I doubt it would have enjoyed my office complex quite as much.
I got new black flats on super-reduced sale for $6 yesterday.
I got a short spring haircut on my lunch hour today.
I found a cool job to apply for in the city that I wanted to live in when I was 12. (Traverse City, MI--hey, at 12 I had no idea that I could move to New York or Geneva.)
My manager just lent me My Neighboro Totoro.
Wait, there was an orgasm? How'd I miss that?
ETA: I'm being purred at by Daniel's cat, Harvey. This is also good. It will be even better if he keeps purring after I take my dish into the kitchen.
Gooooooood afternoon. I'm tired and boy do I want a nap, which of course means my day isn't over until 9 or 10. But I've accomplished a lot today:
- made it to work before my boss did
- had my oil changed
- acquired materials needed for presentation
- tutored my elementary school kid
- ordered catering for tomorrow's event
and probably some other stuff. Sadly there is still much to do:
- actually print and finish presentation materials
- have coffee with friend
- work out with friend
- attend mini-movie fest for women's history month
- attend hispanic outreach project monthly meeting
and double sadly, my boss is still being an uncommunicative jerk. But you know what? Sixty-nine days.
(And yes, I totally spelled that as "sexty" first.)
These are so hot! I totally need them for my walls at home.
Can't think of anything that's not neutral or another rain of toads for the topic at hand, though. My leg doesn't hurt quite as much as it did for the past week & 1/2? That's about all I got.
Ummm, I was able to postpone a bill so that I have some $$ to live on for the next couple of weeks. (Okay, not miraculously good, but a relief to me.)
Bought some clothes, including Sexy Bras in neon colors.
Have not done in literal years.
Fay is a fox.
Aimee, is that unusual? Happens to me quite astral body's a big whore I guess.
It was a nice day out, too.
So....has anyone had anything *good* happen to them lately? Because it seems like Perpetual Existential Rain Of Toads is falling upon the Bitches.
I got over my death-cold-cum-sinus-infection in only 3 days, without running out of Tylenol Sinus meds. And while the DH got it, it mellowed him enough for us to get back in touch with each other, which is great. And Mal didn't get it (healthly as a horse, that one).
Mal learned to give kisses, and does so fiercely. And when handed a red rubber knife to slay his stuffed dragon, threw the knife on the floor, gave the dragon his pacifier, and kissed the dragon. We couldn't be prouder.
We made a decision about staying here, and I'm happy about that. (Although State immediately hosed us on pay and benefits so I can't come to the F2F.)
I've lost ~10 pounds, and people are noticing.
I found a wee froggie inside my car door frame yesterday. It was adorable, and I set it free in the shrubby area next to the parking lot--not too far from a swamp.
Aww! Be free, froggie. And be very thankful that Calli found you.
Good thing: I went to lunch with a friend that's been threatening to divorce me because I don't spend enough time with her. For the time being, I think she and I are okay.