So....has anyone had anything *good* happen to them lately? Because it seems like Perpetual Existential Rain Of Toads is falling upon the Bitches.
I got over my death-cold-cum-sinus-infection in only 3 days, without running out of Tylenol Sinus meds. And while the DH got it, it mellowed him enough for us to get back in touch with each other, which is great. And Mal didn't get it (healthly as a horse, that one).
Mal learned to give kisses, and does so fiercely. And when handed a red rubber knife to slay his stuffed dragon, threw the knife on the floor, gave the dragon his pacifier, and kissed the dragon. We couldn't be prouder.
We made a decision about staying here, and I'm happy about that. (Although State immediately hosed us on pay and benefits so I can't come to the F2F.)
I've lost ~10 pounds, and people are noticing.
I found a wee froggie inside my car door frame yesterday. It was adorable, and I set it free in the shrubby area next to the parking lot--not too far from a swamp.
Aww! Be free, froggie. And be very thankful that Calli found you.
Good thing: I went to lunch with a friend that's been threatening to divorce me because I don't spend enough time with her. For the time being, I think she and I are okay.
Aww. Suddenly I'm a Mal/Dragon shipper. But not in a bad way.
Awww, Mal/dragon -- so cute.
Not available in the U.S., damn it:
This is why I lurk. I only have internet access at work and sometimes work wants me to work while I'm here.
Fern is me.
Keep the good stuff coming!
- The only reason I've felt good (post-surgery-wise) only two days straight instead of six is allergies (hear you, Jess, on the clogged nose).
- I was just able to help a friend in crisis over the phone.
- I spent more of my day in buffista-land than I've been able to in yonks.
- JZ makes me want to cry with joy and hug her on an ongoing basis.
Glad to see good things happening to you wonderful people!
And now I have to leave without being caught up! Hope I get to play again soon! Mwah!
And when handed a red rubber knife to slay his stuffed dragon, threw the knife on the floor, gave the dragon his pacifier, and kissed the dragon.
He really
a Buffy fan.
Mal rocks! That is both cute and principled.
I got a short spring haircut on my lunch hour today.
I am
liking this trend.
Also, on Saturday I found an ungodly gorgeous vintage dress. Not in the least a sexy dress, but cuter than a boxful of buttons, fits me like a slightly roomy glove (i.e., I can not only wear it, I can wear it and go out and eat an actual meal without splitting a seam), fits over my extra-big crinolines perfectly, and only $34.
I am turning green with envy. Just so you know.
Hmmm, all my things to be happy about are fairly shallow, but fun. I will be getting some vintage bakeware (and a teapot) in the mail soon (all pink with black lids!); I'm going to see a fun concert next weekend; I'm meeting up with friends this weekend for a day of doing craft projects.