Gronk. Morning!
vw - I wish there were something we could do besides shake our fists impotently at the universe. Much calm and patience and wellness ~ma to you, all day long and in my sleep, too.
Very much this.
Daniel's pics make me so very un-nostalgic for MN. Though when asked about perfect spring days, walking home when the buds first start appearing on the trees in Minneapolis is at the top of the list. Do we have spring here? How do we tell?
Fay, you look fanTABulous. Just nummy. So do you, SA.
Have fun storming the castle(s), Nora and Tom!
Oh, VW. Bleh! I want to hug the good nurse, though.
Fay, that's wonderful hair. It's a perfect length for you.
SA's hair, with its envy-worthy curls, also looks swell.
At work. First spelled that as "wrok." Want to be sleeping. Boss said I look terrible. At least I'm convincing...
Ugh. I can't actually concentrate on getting work done. I should have never agreed to take on this project that the project leader wants by tomorrow. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
ION, my shirt is sticking to me. I was hooked up to the EKG machine while they gave me the IV dilantin, so they could watch all of my vital signs (things can go very, very wrong with IV dilantin). I took off all the stickies and took a shower, but apparently I'm still sticky. It's kind of weird.
Rubbing alcohol helps get the EKG sticky off, VW.
Lifestyles of the unemployed but useful: today I will drive to SF and escort FIL around town on errands. I get to use all my tact shepherding him through the grocery store and helping him find the toilet paper when he becomes confused at the sight of a shelf full of paper towels.
I gotta spring day memory! Now, I remember from back in Michigan, the way my spirits would lift with excitement at the sight of the first green furze on the willow trees, which meant that the brown landscape would soon become green. That was a lovely bit of anticipation.
The more recent spring day memory: the weather had become gorgeous and I was happy because of it. I was sitting in a left-turn lane waiting for the light to change when I noticed that the man in the PG&E truck just ahead of me in the middle lane was a real hunk. Tall. Muscular. Blonde. I think: Hey! What's that with the funny face? Now he's sticking out his tongue? Oh my. I hope the utility company isn't hiring crazies these days? Then the light changed, I crept ahead, and I was able to see that the cute PG&E man was making funny faces at a toddler in a car seat. The baby was laughing and clapping hands, Mom was glowing and laughing. I drove off feeling that I had seen something wonderful.
vw, props to you for wroking after such a night.
Wrok - the new wrod.
Wrok - a Klingon's day job.