Trudy, it turns out that I'm not a good and generous person; I finished the
chocolate Russian tea cake myself. I didn't share with anyone. I kept meaning to, but then I would get just a little bit out, then just a little bit more, and finally there just wasn't any point because it was really too small to share. It was
good though.
Can I make you anything for next Christmas? Or earlier. Easter may be pushing it, but maybe the 4th of July?
Zabar's crack, my friend. Zabar's crack.
Other places have it too, but I think their's is best.
OK, this may be the dumbest SVU evah. And that's saying a lot.
I haven't tried others, but I can well imagine this is the best. As previously mentioned, yum.
Um, not the SVU.
Sometimes I sneeze and cough simultaneously.
That hurts like fuck.
If I do not die I may go get myself some tomorrow.
But I should probably just stay in bed.
Can someone get some for you? It sounds like going out and about is not a good idea.
Oh, my God, that must be up there with some of television's dumbest moments, Trudy.