No WAY do those shoes have 5 stars after 6 reviews.
I just found out my step-sister is getting married this Jamaica! How cool is that! Her fiance's family is there, so it's easier for the happy couple to do the traveling. Plus, honeymoon built right in.
Our landlord is on the roof doing God only knows what right now, and I have so little patience, that I'm consindering going up there and yelling at him for all the noise he's making. It's almost time for more painkillers, and I want to sleep, dammit. I'm not gonna be able to get restful sleep with all the noise he's making.
I may just be cranky.
go yell at him. just 'cause. Ok maybe not - but maybe you find out who designed those shoes. the first ones - look like some thing I created in kindergarten. the second- were created in hell. seriously . I mean really.
hang in there vw. I have something to send you. - so e me your address. ( see now you have to hang in there because - Prezzie!)
((vw)) No good, rotten and all around mean stuff needs to lay the hell off. And now! None of this six more weeks of misery no matter what the groundhog saw.
Raq, Dave and I would seriously go in on that if we could get enough people. We really want to go to Italy sometime soon, and that may be the most reasonably priced way to go.
I was just looking in the paper, and there is a job for a library shelver at my local library for just the amount of hours I can work and just the amount of money I can make. I want it so very badly. I am going to go down there on Monday. I do have experience as a library shelver, but that was over 10 years ago and many many jobs ago. How would I go about putting that on a resume?
We just had to turn off March of the Penguins because I was crying too hard. I'm such a schmoe.
Not just you! I was watching this at 4 a.m. this morning. My cable company has this thing called "movies that pop"--kind of like Pop Up Video only with movies. I ended up buying that version on the PPV and really found it interesting. And sad. I'm dying to know what the film was like with the French dialog.
It's been rainy, crappy and cold here all day and I had to go out to get some things from Target and to the grocery. I forgot dog food and had to run back out into the crap for it. Feh.
ION, so unspeakably fugly.
eta: These, too.
I think the fringy ones are kinda cute, not that I'd actually wear them. The gray sock ones are the fug.
I would totally wear these [link]
(if I could afford them)
But some might find them of the Fug.
Man, it is POURING down rain here. But it's warm, so I have the windows open, and listening to the rain is very soothing.
I finally spent the night for the first time at The Boy's house last night (and I mean "spent the night" -- that isn't a euphemism for Teh Sexx), and was reminded of how bad I am at sharing a bed with someone else. Plus, he has 2 cats, who are sweet little creatures (I suspect they aren't really cats, but dogs in disguise), but I'm allergic. I'm fine with my allergies when I just go over to his house (thank you, Claritin!), but I woke up this morning with a cat on my head, and the other one snuggled up next to me. When I moved the cat off of my head, she promptly snuggled up on the other side of me, and stretched out a paw and draped it across my arm, as if to say "Foolish human! You are MINE!"
So my eyes are a little itchy still. And -- I'm bad at sharing a bed. (Especially for the first time, you know? You wonder -- does he snore? [Yes.] Will my snoring drive him nuts? [I don't think it did.] Is he a snuggly sleeper? [No, thank god.] Is that CAT HAIR on my pillow?!? [Yes, unfortunately.] Could it BE any colder in here? [Only if a bucket of ice was dumped on the bed.])
And -- I don't think I can cope with this -- he's perky and tries to TALK TO ME first thing in the morning. I told him death was imminent, and he just laughed and said "You're way less grumpy than I expected."
So then I was trying futilely to go back to sleep, when it starts thunderstorming, which makes the cats all pile back on the bed, and the dogs -- he has 2 dogs, as well -- start barking and howling. But they eventually calmed down, and I was just about back to sleep, when -- the tornado siren went off. All I could do was laugh. It was NOT in my destiny to sleep past 8 a.m. this morning. (Until I came home and went to sleep in my own bed. Alone. Cat-free. Bliss!)
....And I'm going back over there in a couple of hours for a party. Better take my Claritin.
Oh cute, but yeah I wouldn't consider paying $80 for a novelty shoe.