Man, it is POURING down rain here. But it's warm, so I have the windows open, and listening to the rain is very soothing.
I finally spent the night for the first time at The Boy's house last night (and I mean "spent the night" -- that isn't a euphemism for Teh Sexx), and was reminded of how bad I am at sharing a bed with someone else. Plus, he has 2 cats, who are sweet little creatures (I suspect they aren't really cats, but dogs in disguise), but I'm allergic. I'm fine with my allergies when I just go over to his house (thank you, Claritin!), but I woke up this morning with a cat on my head, and the other one snuggled up next to me. When I moved the cat off of my head, she promptly snuggled up on the other side of me, and stretched out a paw and draped it across my arm, as if to say "Foolish human! You are MINE!"
So my eyes are a little itchy still. And -- I'm bad at sharing a bed. (Especially for the first time, you know? You wonder -- does he snore? [Yes.] Will my snoring drive him nuts? [I don't think it did.] Is he a snuggly sleeper? [No, thank god.] Is that CAT HAIR on my pillow?!? [Yes, unfortunately.] Could it BE any colder in here? [Only if a bucket of ice was dumped on the bed.])
And -- I don't think I can cope with this -- he's perky and tries to TALK TO ME first thing in the morning. I told him death was imminent, and he just laughed and said "You're way less grumpy than I expected."
So then I was trying futilely to go back to sleep, when it starts thunderstorming, which makes the cats all pile back on the bed, and the dogs -- he has 2 dogs, as well -- start barking and howling. But they eventually calmed down, and I was just about back to sleep, when -- the tornado siren went off. All I could do was laugh. It was NOT in my destiny to sleep past 8 a.m. this morning. (Until I came home and went to sleep in my own bed. Alone. Cat-free. Bliss!)
....And I'm going back over there in a couple of hours for a party. Better take my Claritin.