My jealousy is softened by my delight at reading that Perkins and Cass have enjoyed sushi and fizzy wine and beautiful scenery and each other's company. No the jealousy has killed me ded.
{{Trudy}} {{juliana}} Feel better sweet things.
We are doing chores. My house is gross. Perhaps it will be less so later.
I'm of a mind to process "lecture" as a reproving, unpleasant thing - way too gronky right now. Therefore, if I have to listen to one, I would prefer it to be by someone very gentle about it, like Mrs. Cunningham or Mrs. Cleaver.
Heh. Not this. More like a guest speaker sort of thing. Along the lines of who would you want to speak at your graduation.
Hivemind question: Is there an author along the lines of Stephen Jay Gould, but alive? I thought it was maybe Bill Bryson or Simon Winchester, but neither of those seem to be the right answer.
I'm partial to Charles Pellegrino myself.
Trudy and juliana, sorry about the oog. I hope you both feel better soon.
Hi Cashmere. How are you doing? How are those sweet babies of yours?
They're being very good at the moment! I'm very well, too.
I have attacked the nastiness that likes to live in my shower, and have completely shredded a (Target Brand) Magic Eraser in the process.
Frank, if you stop by here, call later if you want, and if I have gotten some work/research done then maybe we three can get together!
Because the joy continues...I think I'm getting a yeast infection.
Oh vw! That is why I refuse antibiotics. Yuck!
Hmmm, I should go get some magic erasers. The showers need the toxic spray stuff though. I will have my way with the house today! I have enslaved the boys with the promise of Block Party later today. (I hope I don't regret that)
Speaking of Block Party, has anyone seen it yet? The reviews are all wonderful, and Dave Chappelle is so wonderful. My fuddy duddy nature fears the language though. My plan at the moment is to have the big talk with the boys once again that just because they hear something in school or in a movie does not mean they can repeat the language in front of me.
But they both love rap music, and I know Dave will slay me. The movie is a huge incentive for the boys to help me with chores too. Yikes I hope the R for language doesn't mean I will regret this.
Oh vw! That is why I refuse antibiotics. Yuck!
I am never, ever, ever, ever EVAH going on steroids again. They'll have to figure out some other way to treat my asthma if it gets bad. I'm not doing this again. Nope. Never.
Sooo....anyone want to go in with me on renting a villa in Tuscany for a week? And by "villa" I mean "castle" [link]
Off season, it would be € 186 per person for one week if the max 24 people share.