So many here are deserving of punctuation and ~ma... so punctuation and ~ma to them that needs/wants.
For your viewing or headdeskheaddesk pleasure I bring you a communication log entry from my boss.
[sic] Any request for end of March looks like Match in her handwriting, 1st part of April needs to be in the schedule is being worked on. + request need to be okayed b-4 scheduled out or switches will need to be done. Schedule will be out next week at the latest. For the Mar 23 - April schedule.
Here is a cat link that is damn near as addictive as stacking. [link] Roll the cursor around and watch the reaction.
We had the Hailstorm of the Apocalypse as I left work today.
was to move to the Pacific Northwest, not bring about the end of the world (as we know it) ((and I feel full of sushi and fiiiiiiiiiiine)).
SoCal was in the midst of a drought until I decided to move. The hell?
I feel like I need to clarify that my landlords are great. I love my apartment and they're good friends. I think that what happened was more of a misunderstanding, perhaps exacerbated by my crappy, crappy evening. I was frustrated, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if I just wasn't making things clear enough. But thanks for the support. It's really appreciated.
Oh. Well, I am going to be supportive anyway. Cause it was clear to me that running water / stuff down the drain was making the bad brown water happen in your place. Thus? While good people? Shouldn't make the bad stuff happen after once been told.
Granted? I cried when I turned the wrong way getting to Perkin's house this afternoon. I might be a wee weeeeeeee bit emotional. And supportive. Cause I am just that kind of girl.
No SARS, Trudy. Avoid the turduckens, infect the neos and in a few days it'll be all good.
Andi, are they on the really really bad crack? The one where you can't spell or type actual sentences? @@ ad naseum.
Can't find my thermometer. I'd feel better if I knew HOW sick I was on some numeric scale.
Going to sleep now. Time to die.
Wow, Andi, that'
Get better, Trudy. No bird flu.
vw, you get better too. Ask for help. You help others so much, you need to let karma do its thing.
Hivemind question: Is there an author along the lines of Stephen Jay Gould, but alive? I thought it was maybe Bill Bryson or Simon Winchester, but neither of those seem to be the right answer.
Related question: If you could attend a lecture given by any American, who would you want to listen to?
Jared Diamond? John McPhee? In response to the first, not the second question.
I think Malcolm Gladwell would be an interesting lecture. David Sedaris is notoriously great, but I'm not sure that's technically lecturing.
Question: is it fair that Eve regularly sleeps until 8 or even 9 on days I go to work at 7:15, but this morning she was up at 7? Despite keeping me up from 2-4am? I'm going with NOT FAIR.
Trudy, feel better soon.
Raq, I'm of a mind to process "lecture" as a reproving, unpleasant thing - way too gronky right now. Therefore, if I have to listen to one, I would prefer it to be by someone very gentle about it, like Mrs. Cunningham or Mrs. Cleaver.
Andi, are they on the really really bad crack? The one where you can't spell or type actual sentences? @@ ad naseum.
This is the way she communicates - in written or spoken word. Period. This is the person who specifically trained me to write one incident report for incidents involving more than one of the residents, then made me come in on my day off to re-write an incident as two IRs saying, "I thought you of all people would know to write two."
And the thing is, with her communication skills SO BAD, I can't make simple suggestions about how she can improve them. At first, I thought it was just her handwriting being so bad that I could not read it. And there she was, wondering aloud to me why no one seems to pay any attention to her written instructions. So I very gently told her I had a hard time reading her writing, and maybe if she would print that would help. It did not. Alas, I do not have the testicular fortitude to tell her she needs to take junior high level remedial English.