That sounds horrid, Juliana. I hope that you feel better soon. It seems like there are all sorts of weird cruds going around. Said just in case misery really does love company.
In wheeeeee news, I just might possibly be able to make it to F2F. I didn't think I could, and I still may not be able to, but it has become a real possibility. I'm so very stoked.
Shaddap, you.
Hey, it's totally not your fault! Your motivation knew what you were up to, and sabotaged you the only way it knows how! Motivations are wily like that.
You want us all to expire of envy?
t expires and is expired
Ick, Juliana! I'm so sorry, sweetie. If I were there, I'd come over and bring you chicken soup and OJ.
Yay to the possibility of libkitty at the F2F! It sounds like this is going to be a helluva party. Can't wait!
Waves across the bay at Cass. Lookit all the dramatic weather we're having today! Usually there is no dusting of white on our hills.
Waves back. I kept waking up to new and different ways for water to fall from the sky. I am pretty sure I heard hail on the window. However I was paralyzed with nap and couldn't move the eight inches to the window to be sure. So I am just sticking with my hunch that I experienced hail in the Bay Area and soon puppies might fall from the sky as well.
Oddly, I had very little crazy dramatic weather while driving but I could see a lot all around me. I thank the weather gods for that.
Maidengirl, enjoy the vacation. I need to go back and see what's been happening with you cause it looks like I missed huge stuff, but enjoy Arizona while you are on vacation.
Juliana, feel better sweetie. I am so sorry that you are both ill, befuddling the fix-it people and need to clean. All my ~ma are belong to you.
Oh my, that was a hellula nap. I feel so much better.
expires and is expired
If it helps? I didn't go out there... I was comatose for a few hours instead.
On reflection?
Perkins is bringing home sushi, there is fizzy wine in the fridge and I am looking at an amazing view. Sorry for the expiration-making but damn it's good to be here.
We had the Hailstorm of the Apocalypse as I left work today.
Stones the size of marbles.
Midwesterners may be mocking me right now, but dude, this is Seattle. Our hailstones don't normally get much bigger than a booger.
There were also loud boomy bright things in the sky.
We had hail on the way home too. It sucked.
Cass and I are in the process of ateing too much sushi, which doesn't suck.
I may have SARS
I had chicken enchiladas for dinner.
KB, what Ginger said.
juliana, I'm sorry you're feeling oppgekrappt.
Trudy? Truly?
I heard what seemed to be footsteps in the attic rooms. I currently live alone. I called two friends who live nearby and neither was home. So I ended up calling my mom and having her stay on the phone with me while I investigated the house. The construction guys sometimes leave windows and doors open so I was a bit worried. No one was upstairs and I felt sheepish about calling my mom to have a walk-through, but that's how it is.
I'm a bit bummed since my friend never asks me out to dance even though he knows I love it and even though it's been a priority for him lately to start dancing again. So I'm home alone, too tired to make food, watching The West Wing on DVD and browsing job ads without success.
Welcome to the Bay Area, Cass.