Just skipped elenventy billion posts to say K-Bug and I made it to Arizona safe and sound. It was quite a day yesterday. Her softball game turned out to be a scrimmage against a REALLY bad team, we won 11-0. The worst part was that it was FREEZING on Concord. The game ended after the other pitcher hit three girls in a row - the last being dear K-Bug. She took one in the ribs and has a pretty bruise now.
We finally got to hit the road at 7:15 pm and with minimal stops I was able to crawl into bed here at 8:30 am for a power nap before the first baseball game. The A's were playing the Angel's and were winning 16-3 in the 7th when we left. Yes, I left a game early. Quit with the shock and awe. No autographs today - but we are going to hit hard tomorrow.
The rest of today will be spent puttering around town and then turning in early.
So - how is everyone else? I caught that Katie's meeting did not go as expected and that Perkins is once again hogging the pretty.
This may be the funniest vintage dress ever. Too big for me (and by now way, way, way out of my price range), but damn, if I had a shitload of money lying around that didn't need to be spent on actual useful stuff, I'd totally buy it for one of the other Bitches.
And I'm outta here. Might post another update before we head home, might now....vacation is so much fun!!!
And I'm outta here. Might post another update before we head home, might now....vacation is so much fun!!!
...wanders off, searching for motivation. It's probably sitting on the couch with the nice warm cat. Or perhaps it lurks between the pages of my book. No, wait, surely the motivation is hidden beneath a pile of chocolate brownies! I'll have to check all those out.
This sounds like a plan to me. To hell with motivation. I say just enjoy the trip if it's anything like this.
And when Perkins posts that she is sitting on her balconey, just looking out? There are not words for how jealous we should all be. So pretty. There are low clouds hanging out and it just is very, very pretty. I am now going to see if the insides of my eyelids are pretty, or just bloodshot.
The wireless works out there too, in case you are awake again.
You want us all to expire of envy?
I'm watching the 1982 version of The Scarlet Pimpernel with Jane Seymour. I loved this movie so much as a kid. I don't think I've seen it in over 15 years.
This version is what made me seek out the book. I loved both but adored the television version. There's also some tv films with Richard E. Grant as the Pimpernel which were equally yummy.
Katie B, I want to personally come out there and bitch slap your evil ex-boss. What a fucking tosser.
Sail, sorry about your aunt. I truly hope she gets some good hospice care and doesn't suffer for a long time.
Deena, I forgot to say congrats on the house! I hope it all goes smoothly for you guys.
This feels like more than I've posted in weeks. *sigh* I was up during the dry spell this morning in the wee hours (due to the wee girl) but used that time to catch up on posts. Not much happening around here besides feeding, diaper and bathing babies.
In Soviet Russia, sickness has YOU!
t memememe
Hi there. Spent all day yesterday miserable at work, crawled into bed when I got home at 5:30 and spent the night alternately shivering and sweating, not leaving my bed except for necessities like bathroom and food. Made into work today, promptly felt like I was going to pass out, tried to grit through it, gave up at 8:30 and tried to go to Urgent Care. The UC listed on my benefits handbook? Not open. The next closest one? Not open. Finally decided that going home and suffering sans diagnosis was better than passing out in front of the H&M on Post Street, so I caught a cab home, hitting my bed at 9:30 a.m.
I hurt. Everywhere. Well, actually, just my spine, but from the base of it up to the base of my skull, with attendant steel bands wrapping around to the front of my head. My lymph nodes are swollen, as are my tonsils (so eating anything is fun. Viva la smoothies!). In spite of that, I have no fever (not even when I'm sweating), and there's no white spots anywhere in my mouth. The UC Diagnosis line I finally got to was baffled. I managed to get to the health foods store just down the way and load up on natural remedies, and one of my friends is going to run to Walgreen's for me when she gets home.
Guess what I still need to do, though? That's right, clean my house in prep for madre's arrival tomorrow. Pfeh. I might just do a couple loads of laundry, tidy up, vacuum, and call it quits.
t /memememe
Sorry. Hugs to them what needs 'em.